What’s Happening Internationally
Argentina | Australia | Bangladesh | Belgium |Brazil | Bulgaria | Canada | Chile | China | Croatia | Cyprus | Denmark
European Parliament | European Environment Agency | Finland | France | French Polynesia | Germany | Ghana | Greece | Hungary | India |Iceland |Ireland | Israel | Italy | Korea
Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Namibia | Netherlands | Nigeria | New Zealand | Poland | Romania | Russia | Senegal | Singapore | Slovenia
Spain | Sri Lanka | Switzerland | Taiwan | Tanzania | Tunisia | Turkey | United Kingdom
Worldwide Policy on 5G and Cell Phones
See EHT’s PDF of the latest government action on 5G and cell towers.
- Color PDF on 5G and Cell Tower Actions Worldwide, USA
- Black and White PDF of 5G and Cell Tower Actions Worldwide, USA 5G Actions
- Note: Please send comments and updates to info@ehtrust.org if your country has actions not represented here.
Here are examples of countries that recommend people, especially children, reduce cell phone radiation exposure. While these governments do not necessarily offer an opinion on health effects, they do offer an opinion on the need to redice cell phone radiation exposure- especially for children. These recommendations are more protective than regulations by the U.S. government.
More than 20 countries and other government jurisdictions have official government advice on cell phones with recommended steps to minimize cell phone radiation to the brain, especially for children.
- Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, French Polynesia, Germany, Greece, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Korea, Russia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom
- Krakow, Poland; European Parliament (Resolution 1815).
In the United States, state and local health authorities and medical associations recommend reducing cell phone and wireless radiation to children.
- Examples include the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Cleveland Clinic, the Connecticut Department of Health, the California Department of Health, the Maryland State Children’s Environmental Health and Protection Advisory Council,
More than a dozen countries have stricter limits for ambient cell antenna emissions, policies to reduce exposure near schools and/or homes, or have designated sensitive areas.
- China, Russia, Canada, Israel, Turkey, Bulgaria, Brussels Belgium, Chile, Belarus, Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, Italy, Switzerland, Greece, India, Liechtenstein, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Kuwait, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Bosnia Herzegovina, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Republic of Moldova
Governments that measure radiofrequency radiation levels and make them publicly available.
- France , Spain, Austria, Greece, Turkey, India, Israel, Gibraltar, Brussels Belgium, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Tunisia, Malta, Brazil, Bahrain, Monaco, French Polynesia, Bhuton, Senegal
(France even has 5G monitoring stations).
Countries with bans on mobile phone ads targeted to children.
- France, Belgium, French Polynesia, Russia
Countries with bans on the sale of phones designed for children.
- Belgium, France, French Polynesia
Countries with SAR cell phone radiation labeling on device, packaging, and or at point of sale.
- France, Israel, India, Belgium, Russia, Korea
Governments that test cell phones for compliance.
- France
Countries that ban Wi-Fi in nurseries and kindergartens.
- France, Israel, Ghent Belgium, French Polynesia, Cyprus, Hospitalet Spain
Countries that minimize or ban Wi-Fi in elementary schools.
- France, Israel, Cyprus, along with a growing list of schools/districts worldwide.
Queensland Department of Education, Training and Employment – 2015 “Guide to Safe Technology”
- It’s not only physical hazards you need to consider when thinking about health and safety issues at work or home — you should also think about how you use technology. When using a computer, you need to think about: ergonomics and posture, radiation, vision impacts and harmful lack of exercise (DVT).
- “Wireless devices — smart/mobile phones, tablets, slates, monitors etc — all emit low levels of electromagnetic radiation and should be used correctly. When using electronic devices, the department recommends you follow WiFi/3G/4G best practice:
- Follow the manufacturer’s usage guideline operate from a table or bench — not on your lap
- Use ‘hands-free’ devices to keep smart/mobile phones away from your head and body during phone calls limit the number and length of calls
- Position the device antenna away from your body
- Do not sit within 0.5 m of a wireless router use smart/mobile phone in areas of good reception to reduce exposure.”
- Safe use of technology by WiFi in Schools Australia – Video
- Link for 2015 PDF
Following a High Court decision, 2019 regulations banned mobile phone towers from “sensitive areas” on rooftops of residences, schools, colleges, playing fields, populated areas and heritage areas.
“Experts – including those on the Superior Health Council – advise everyone to limit their exposure to mobile phone radiation.” – Health Food Environment Agency of Belgium
The Belgium health agency has long issued issued Tips for prudents use and in 2013 the government has banned phones designed for young children. In 2014 Ghent Belgium banned wi-fi from pre-schools and day care. In Brussels, a map of all the locations of antennas is accessible online where the technical data of each installation is listed. People can ask for a compliance measurement, free of charge.
Since 2009, Federal Law ensures any cell antennas s installed within 50-meters-radius surrounding hospitals, clinics, schools, day care centers and nursing homes are compliant with RF limits. In 2013, Brazil updated cell phone labeling guidelines to ensure the separation distance was stated in the manuals, in a visible and readable way. For all products tested for SAR, the following statement must be present: “This product is approved by Anatel in accordance with the procedures regulated by Resolution No. 242/2000 and meets the technical requirements applied, including the exposure limits of the Specific Absorption Rate for electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields of radio frequency, in accordance with Resolutions 303/2002 and 533/2009. This device complies with the radio frequency exposure guidelines when positioned at least X centimeters away from the body. For more information, see the ANATEL website.” The Anatel webpage also has the Specific Absorption Ratio (SAR) of all mobile phones certificated in Brazil. The country also has continuous monitoring of electromagnetic fields in specific locations: cities, schools, hospitals, etc
“What you should do: Limit the length of cell phone calls, Replace cell phone calls with text messages or use “hands-free” devices, Encourage children under the age of 18 to limit their cell phone usage.” Health Canada
In 2011 Health Canada issued “ Practical Advice on reducing exposure” which states, “the department also encourages parents to reduce their children’s RF exposure from cell phones since children are typically more sensitive to a variety of environmental agents.”
The Ministry of Health maintains a dedicated web page, a video and brochures on Non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation:The most common questions and answers, EMF Protection Principles and Non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation are part of their public information campaign. Croatia has “sensitive areas” with lower cell tower radiation levels for buildings, schools, maternity hospitals and hospitals. The owner of the electromagnetic field source is obliged to provide a new measurement of the electromagnetic field levels every three years and submit the results to the Ministry of Health.
In 2017 the Minister of Culture and Education issued a directive to ban Wi-Fi from kindergartens, remove Wi-Fi from elementary classrooms. The Cyprus National Committee on Environment and Child Health along with the Ministry of Health launched a public information campaign in 2019 that ran large scale ads on the backs of buses and featured 5 ways to reduce cell phone and Wi-Fi exposure. The Committee has long issued a brochure how to reduce EMF for families and has PSA videos for parents, pregnant women and teens. In 2017 the Cyprus Medical Association issued Sixteen recommendations to reduce cell phone radiation exposure.
Campaign Materials
- Cyprus Children’s Health and Wireless Poster for Bus Greek
- Cyprus Children’s Health and Wireless Poster for Bus English
- Cyprus Children’s Health and Wireless Leaflet Greek
- Cyprus Children’s Health and Wireless Awareness Leaflet English
- Press Release Children’s Health Campaign to Reduce Direct and Passive Wireless Radiation Exposure to Children, Press Conference: 24th of June 2019, 11:30 am, at the Ministry of Health
- Cyprus Committee Brochure (16 page )on How to reduce Wireless at Home in Greek
- The Cyprus National Committee on Environment and Children’s Health http://paidi.com.cy/
2019: Initiative to Reduce EMF in Archbishop Makarios III Hospital
The Archbishop Makarios III Hospital hospital has launched a project to minimize cell phone and wireless radiation exposures.
- Wi-Fi is disabled and replaced with ethernet connections in the Intensive Care Unit and Neonatal unit.
- Parents are educated to keep cell phones away from children and out of the pediatric units.
The Campaign is a cooperation between the Archbishop Makarios III Hospital (NAM III) and the Cyprus Committee on the Environment and Children’s Health (CyCECH) with the active support of the Executive Director of the Archbishop Makarios III Hospital, Dr. A. Neophytou, the Director of the Pediatrics Department, Dr. A. Elia. It is a collaboration of Dr. Andreas Sergis and Dr Antonis Kleanthous and the nursing staff of the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU).
Read more Press Conference: 24th of June 2019, 11:30 am, at the Ministry of Health
Public Awareness Videos on How to Reduce Exposures
- PSA Video on Removing Wi-Fi from Makarios Hospital in Greek & English
- PSA Video on Children’s Health and Wi-Fi: Original Video in Greek & English
- PSA Video on Pregnant Women and Wireless: Original Video in Greek & English
- PSA Video on Teenagers and Wireless: Original Video with English subtitles.
- Youtube Channel (Former Youtube channel)
Denmark Board of Health Provides Recommendations to Reduce Exposure
- Denmark Board of Health Recommendations on Reducing Cell Phone Radiation
- “As a precautionary measure, the Board of Health recommends a series of simple steps you should follow to reduce exposure from mobile phones:
- Use the headset or handsfree with earbud, conversation, or use the speakerphone feature
- When possible, use text instead of call
- Limit the duration of calls
- Did not sleep with the phone close to the head
- Limit conversations during low reception and while in transport.
- Do not cover the phone with aluminum foil, special covers, etc.
- Compare phones’ SAR value. Lower SAR require less exposure
European Parliament
In 2011 the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Resolution 1815: “The Potential Dangers of Electromagnetic Fields and Their Effect on the Environment” which is a call to European governments to “take all reasonable measures” to reduce exposure to electromagnetic fields “particularly the exposure to children and young people who seem to be most at risk from head tumours.” The Resolution calls for member states to:
- Implement “information campaigns about the risk of biological effects on the environment and human health, especially targeting children and young people of reproductive age. “
- “Reconsider the scientific basis for the present standards on exposure to electromagnetic fields set by the International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection, which have serious limitations, and apply ALARA principles, covering both thermal effects and the athermic or biological effects of electromagnetic emissions or radiation.”
- “For children in general, and particularly in schools and classrooms, give preference to wired Internet connections, and strictly regulate the use of mobile phones by school children on school premises.”
“Unnecessary exposure to radiation from mobile phones should be avoided. In particular, children’s unnecessary exposure should be avoided as their life-long exposure will be longer than that of those who begin using mobile phone as adults…” – Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority
The Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) recommends reducing exposure to children See webpage “Exposure can be reduced by simple means.”
A 2019 Ministerial order stated consumers should be informed to; use a hands-free or speakerphone, limit frequency and duration of calls for children, “keep away from the belly of pregnant women, Keep away from the lower abdomen of adolescents.” In 2017 French Ministries issued a webpage with 6 Ways to Reduce exposure. In 2010, the government posted 8 ways to reduce exposure.
French Polynesia
“The use of mobile phones by children is not recommended before the age of 15: their brains have not matured and are more sensitive to electromagnetic waves. Parents are advised to advise their children or adolescents to use their phone only for essential calls.”
In 2016 French Polynesia passed landmark legislation to create a public educational campaign on how to reduce cell phone, wireless and other electromagnetic radiation. The law prohibits advertising of cell phones to children under 14, prohibits advertising cell phones without showing how to minimize radiation exposure to the head, prohibits wireless in nursery schools, restricts wireless in primary schools and reduces exposures to workers. The government is implementing measurement and monitoring of levels of public exposure to electromagnetic fields throughout the country. The multimedia campaign of the French Polynesia Directorate-General for the Digital Economy (DGEN) includes a video, posters and a brochure promoted on television, radio, and social networking platforms translated into Tahitian and French. The video visually depicts how common household electronics – such as a Wi-Fi router, video game console, and wireless baby monitor – emit microwave electromagnetic radiation like cell phone emissions. The campaign also addresses the electromagnetic radiation from electricity-powered alarm clocks and appliances.
“Of particular importance is the minimisation of children’s radiation exposure as they are still developing and could therefore react more sensitively in terms of health. The BfS therefore recommends restricting children’s use of mobile phones as far as possible.”
The German Federal Office for Radiation Protection Website provides advice and tips for reducing radiation exposure to smartphones, tablets and wireless devices stating, “Since long term effects could not be sufficiently examined up to now the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) recommends to keep exposures to these fields as low as reasonably achievable.”
“Even though it hasn’t been proven conclusively that children are more sensitive/reactive than adults to exposure to radiation, nevertheless, the direct recommendation of international organizations is that children be discouraged from using cell phones. The above statement is supported by the following: Up to about the age of 16, the nervous system of the human body is in the process of development. Consequently, it’s totally possible (although not conclusively proven by relevant scientific research) that up until this age, human being are more sensitive to any number of factors/elements/determinants. Greek government website brochure.
Since 2012 the greek government website brochure on cell phone radiation recommended reducing cell phone radiation to children under 16. Cell phones are not allowed on schools and the government regularly monitors ELF and cell tower radiation levels made public via the National Observatory of Electromagnetic Fields . In 2017 the Athens Medical Association voted to issue 16 recommendations to reduce human exposure to wireless radiation at their 2017 conference
“If you have a choice, use a landline (wired) phone, not a mobile phone.” Government of India
India has a law reducing the allowable radiation from cell towers to 1/10 of ICNIRP levels and official guidelines for people to reduce exposure to cell phones that people “hold the cell phone away from body to the extent possible, use a headset and more. The Government issued public service advertisements with the steps to reducing radiation. The India Department of Telecom has a web portal for mobile tower compliance called Tarang Sanchar. India Ministries are researching the issue and have issued reports such as the 2011 Ministry of Environment and Forest Study “Report on Possible Impacts of Communication Towers on Wildlife Including Birds and Bees.” Municipal policies include the State of Karnataka where cell towers should be at a minimum distance of 50 meters from schools, hospitals and places of worship; “Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation which bans mobile towers at parks, playgrounds; Zilla Parishad which ordered the removal of all cellphone towers within a 50-metre radius to schools citing exposure to “harmful radiation”; the State of Rajasthan decisions to remove all cell towers from the vicinity of schools, hospitals and playgrounds because of radiation “hazardous to life” was upheld by the Indian Supreme Court; the city of Mumbai prohibits cell towers within 100 meters of schools, colleges, orphanages, child rehabilitation centers, and old age homes.
2011 Advice of the Chief Medical Officer of Ireland.
- “Advice from the Chief Medical Officer on mobile phone use: We may not truly understand the health affects of mobile phones for many years. However, research does show that using mobile phones affects brain activity. There is general consensus that children are more vulnerable to radiation from mobile phones than adults. Therefore the sensible thing to do is to adopt a precautionary approach rather than wait to have the risks confirmed.In the light of these findings, the Chief Medical Officer of the Department of Health and Children strongly advises that children and young people who do use mobile phones, should be encouraged to use mobile phones for “essential purposes only” All calls should be kept short as talking for long periods prolongs exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields.All mobile phone users can reduce their exposure to radiofrequency energy by making fewer calls, reducing the length of calls, sending text messages instead of calling, using cell phones only when landline phones are unavailable, using a wired “hands free” device so that the phone need not be held against the head and refraining from keeping an active phone clipped to the belt or in the pocket”.
- “Children are thought to be at higher risk of health implications from the use of mobile phones. This is because their skulls and cells are still growing and tend to absorb radiation more easily.
- It is recommended that children use mobile phones only if absolutely necessary.”
- Press Release: Advice from the Chief Medical Officer on Mobile Phone Use From Ireland Department of Health Published on 1 June 2011 Last updated on 24 October 2019
“The Ministry of Health advises parents to reduce children’s exposure to mobile phones as much as possible, consider the age they start using them, reduce the amount of time mobile phones are used, and in any event, make sure they use earphones (not wireless) or a speaker when using the mobile phone.”
The government of Israel has a public information website on wireless that recommends reducing cell phone radiation. They also state, “Keep the computer away from the body as much as possible.” Since 2002, the government has had compulsory cell phone radiation labeling. Since 2013, the Israeli Ministry Of Education has issued guidelines banning wireless networks in preschool and kindergartens and restricting use in elementary grades. In 2002 Israel Consumer Protection Regulations ensured compulsory cell phone radiation labeling for consumers. A mobile phone may not be sold unless they have a clearly visible sticker on cell phone packaging that says, “”This mobile phone emits non-ionizing radiation; details and information about the radiation levels of this mobile phone model and the maximum permissible level of radiation are included in the attached leaflet.”
Since 2015, the Ministry of Environmental Protection has operated a radiation monitoring system with 17 permanent monitoring stations deployed throughout the country. In addition, they have taken measurements of ELF-EMF in the incubators in neonatal units.
“To reduce exposure to electromagnetic waves on your mobile phone, we recommend using text messages, the speakerphone or the headset.” Italian Ministry of Health
“It must also be considered that starting to use the mobile phone by children and adolescents means that tomorrow’s adults will have exposure times much longer than those experienced by today’s adults. In this perspective, pending specific studies in progress to provide useful evidence, it is prudent for parents to educate their children on the appropriate use of the telephone as a communication tool and on the correct ways to reduce the level of exposure to radio frequencies.” Italian Ministry of Health
In 2019 after a court ruling, the Health Ministry launched a campaign on the “Correct Use of Mobile Phones” which includes an Infographic and public service video on “Reducing Cell Phone Radiation.” In 2017 a 2017 Decree of the Environment Minister recommended reducing exposure to indoor electromagnetic radiation, both wireless and ELF-EMF.
Republic of Korea
“Children are advised to avoid using cell phones whenever possible.” –Korea Webpage on Cell Phone Radiation
“When you are asleep or when you are relaxing, the farther away the phone is from your body, the safer you are.”
The Korean government has a website with extensive information on what electromagnetic exposures are and how to reduce exposure. The webpage on children and EMF has graphics that illustrate how to use cell phones in “safer ways.” The government has created educational videos on how to reduce cell phone radiation exposure for children and adults.
“Thus, for the first time in the human history, children using mobile telecommunications along with the adult population are included into the health risk group due to the RF EMF exposure….In children, the amount of so-called stem cells is larger than in adults and the stem cells were shown to be the most sensitive to RF EMF exposure….It is reasonable to set limits on mobile telecommunications use by children and adolescents, including ban on all types of advertisement of mobile telecommunications for children.” -Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection
In 2020 the Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being issued ”Recommendations to Parents” with measures to reduce radiation and minimize health risks and during the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Ministry of Health and Russian Committee for Non-ionizing Radiations Protection issued recommendations to limit screentime, reduce wireless radiation and limit cell phone use by children for education during the pandemic. In 2019, the Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection created warning stickers for cell phones and Wi-Fi devices and appealed to make the campaign worldwide.
The Russian government scientists has researched EMFs for decades and set cell tower limits based on their understanding of biological effects at non thermal levels. Russia has long recommended people minimize exposure to cell phone radiation. A 2011 Resolution of the Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection specifically advised that those under the age of 18 should not use a mobile phone at all, recommends low- emission phones; and requires the following: on-device labelling notifying users that it is a source of RF-EMF, user guide information advising that ‘‘it is a source of harmful RF-EMF exposure’’ and the inclusion of courses in schools regarding mobile phones use and RF-EMF exposure issues.
The Slovenia Institute for Non-ionizing Radiation webpage has a brochure recommending the prudent use of cell phones by taking measures to reduce radiation exposure including: Limit the number and duration of call, use a handsfree kit, and avoid use when the signal is weak.
Sri Lanka
The Ministry of Health 2018 press release informs people of the “serious risks” to the brain and the rest of nervous system from cell phones. They advise people not to keep mobile phones and electronic communication devices in the sleeping areas and to minimize their use. Watch video of the recommendations. Hiru News, “Risk of Cancer by Keeping Mobile Phones Near Bed” 10/6/2018
United Kingdom
“The international guidelines recommended by Public Health England (PHE) provide protection for the population as a whole; however, uncertainties in the science suggest some additional level of precaution is warranted, particularly for sources such as mobile phones where simple measures can be taken to reduce exposure… excessive use of mobile phones by children should be discouraged.”
In 2020 the UK government updated recommendations for children to reduce exposure to cell phone radiation.
U.S.A Policy