What’s Happening Internationally
Argentina | Australia | Bangladesh | Belgium |Brazil | Bulgaria | Canada | Chile | China | Croatia | Cyprus | Denmark
European Parliament | European Environment Agency | Finland | France | French Polynesia | Germany | Ghana | Greece | Hungary | India |Iceland |Ireland | Israel | Italy | Korea
Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Namibia | Netherlands | Nigeria | New Zealand | Poland | Romania | Russia | Senegal | Singapore | Slovenia
Spain | Sri Lanka | Switzerland | Taiwan | Tanzania | Tunisia | Turkey | United Kingdom

Numerous countries have cell tower network radiofrequency radiation (RF) limits (maximum permissible limits) 10 to 100 times below ICNIRP and FCC limits or they have policies to reduce exposure near schools and/or homes designated as “sensitive” areas.
These countries are Italy, India, China, Russia, Switzerland, Israel, Chile, Croatia, Ukraine, Kuwait, Belgium, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Greece, Belarus, Georgia, Serbia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Croatia, Bulgaria, Turkey India, Liechtenstein, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Kuwait, Republic of Moldova and Iraq. .
Countries such as India, China and Russia have lower limits considered “science based” as they recognise bioogical effects. India dropped their RF limits by 1/10th of what they were previously after an inter ministerial report documented the majority of research studies found damage to birds and bees. Read the Inter ministerial Report HERE and the published final study HERE.
Worldwide Policies on Cell Phones, Electromagnetic Fields and Wireless
Many countries and munucipal governments have enacted laws and policies to protect the public in relation to electromagnetic radiation. Here are just a few examples.
Official government advice on cell phones with recommended steps to minimize cell phone radiation to the brain
- Some examples include Belgium, Switzerland, French Polynesia, Finland, Ireland, Germany, Greece, Israel, Turkey, Singapore, France, United Kingdom, Russia, Denmark, India, Australia, Austria, Cyprus, Canada, Italy, Korea, Sri Lanka, Croatia, Krakow Poland, European Parliament Resolution 1815.
France has a 2019 Order that recommends reducing cell phone radiation with speakerphone and and people are informed when they buy the phone to:
“Keep radio equipment away from the belly of pregnant women, and away from the lower abdomen of adolescents.”
Governments with measurement and monitoring program for cell tower RF and environmental RF exposures.
- France, Greece, Turkey, India, Israel, French Polynesia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Tunisia, Malta, Brazil, Bahrain, Monaco, Bhutan, Senegal, United Kingdom, Australia, Spain, Austria, India, Israel, Gibraltar, Brussels Belgium, Switzerland, Lithuania. France even has 5G monitoring stations.
Ban on mobile phone ads to children
- France, Belgium, French Polynesia, Russia
Ban on sale of phones designed for children
- Belgium, France, French Polynesia
Cell phone SAR cell phone radiation labeling on device, packaging and or at point of sale
- France, Israel, India, Belgium, Russia, Korea
Government tests cell phones for compliance
- France, Canada
Wi-Fi ban in nurseries & kindergartens
- France, Israel, Ghent Belgium, French Polynesia, Cyprus, Hospitalet Spain and many local municipalities.
Wi-Fi Off and or minimized in elementary schools
- France, Israel, Cyprus, along with a growing list of schools and districts worldwide.
Countries with protective limits in “sensitive areas” for magnetic field EMF, at levels far lower than ICNIRP.
- Croatia, Finland, France, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia, Switzerland, Germany, Spain, Belgium (Wallonia, Flanders) Denmark, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Lithuania, Poland.
However many more municipalities have taken steps to address Wi-Fi radiation.
For example, the European Parliament passed – Resolution 1815 “The Potential Dangers of Electromagnetic Fields and Their Effect on the Environment which calls on European governments to “take all reasonable measures” to reduce exposure to electromagnetic fields “particularly the exposure to children and young people who seem to be most at risk from head tumours.” The Resolution calls for member states to implement “information campaigns about the risk of biological effects on the environment and human health, especially targeting children and young people of reproductive age” to reduce exposure and “for children in general, and particularly in schools and classrooms, give preference to wired Internet connections, and strictly regulate the use of mobile phones by schoolchildren on school premises.”
In turn, several municipalities in Europe have requested the implementation of Resolution 1815 “The Potential Dangers of Electromagnetic Fields and Their Effect on the Environment
- In Spain municipalities which have requested the implementation of the recommendations of PACE Resolution 1815 include Barakaldo, Errentería, Espartinas, Hospitalet, Jerez de la Frontera, San Sebastián, Vitoria, Villa de Plentzia, Cornellá de Llobregat, Torrox, Mula, Villa de Buenavista del Norte, Poio, Arganda del Rey, Cenizate, Hospitalet, Juntas generales de Guipúzcoa, Villava, Vitoria-Gasteiz and the Basque and Navarre Parliaments.
- In Italy, municipalities which have requested the implementation of the recommendations of PACE Resolution 1815 include the Piemonte Region Council resolution to limit EMF exposure in schools, the State Parliament of South Tyrol resolution on WLAN, mobile radio, radiation exposure, the Bologna City Council Resolution to launch a public information campaign. In addition, over 5oo municipalities in Italy have passed resolutions to halt 5g until safety research has been done to ensure safety.
In the United States, health authorities recommend reducing cell phone and wireless radiation to children.
- Examples include the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Connecticut Department of Health, the California Department of Health, the Cleveland Clinic and the Maryland State Children’s Environmental Health And Protection Advisory Council.
Resolutions on Electromagnetic Sensitivity
US States that have passed resolutions include Colorado(2009, 2010, 201), Connecticut, Florida, Alabama (2021 and 2022. Localities include Broward County Florida, Monterey County, California Colwood BC, In Newfoundland St. John’s Proclamation and Norris Arm Proclamation. Health Canada also recognizes that some people are electrically sensitive as stated in their Safety Code 6 Guideline on page 11, which states: “Certain members of the general public may be more susceptible to harm from radio frequency and microwave exposure.”
USA Proclamations on Electromagnetic Sensitivity
- Alabama State Proclamation on Electromagnetic Sensitivity
- Colorado State Proclamation on Electromagnetic Sensitivity (2009, 2010, 2011)
- Florida State Proclamation on Electromagnetic Sensitivity
- Connecticut State Proclamation on Electromagnetic Sensitivity
- Broward County Florida Proclamation on Electromagnetic Sensitivity
- Portland City Council Proclamation on Electromagnetic Sensitivity
- Pittsfield, Massachusetts Electromagnetic Sensitivity Day Resolution