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If 5G, cell towers, and wireless are so safe, then why do all these organizations recommend reducing wireless exposure?

5G Appeal to the European Union by Hundreds of Scientists  

American Academy of Pediatrics – Letters Calling for Updating Radiation Standards

US Doctors and Experts National 5G Resolution

EMF Scientist Appeal

International Society of Doctors for Environment – Appeal for a 5G Standstill

The EMF Call – Protective Limits for Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields

Vienna Medical Association 

Scientists Join Canadian Doctor Appeal on 5G 

Ontario Doctors Appeal and former Microsoft Canada President 

The European Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks

Worcester School’s Standing Committee consulted with the Massachusetts Department of Epidemiology – Best Practices, Minimizing Exposure to RF

ANSES, France’s National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety – Recommends Moderate Use of Wireless Communication Technologies by Children 

ANSES, France’s National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety – Recommends Limiting The Population’s Exposure to RF  

World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research. 

New Jersey Education Association – Minimize Health Risks from Electronic Devices

Environment and Human Health, Inc. – Technology, Exposures, Health Effects

Irish Doctors Environmental Association

Bioinitiative Working Group – 2012 Report on Biologically Based Exposure Standards 

International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space, Scientists (4,503), Engineers (8,036), Medical Doctors (2,593), Nurses (4,177), Psychologists, Psychotherapists and Social Workers(9,663)

German Environmental Organisation “Bund” – Petition to Stop 5G in Hamburg

German Doctors Delegation – Open Letter to Prime Minister Kretschmann

Hippocrates Electrosmog Appeal of Belgium – Over 550 Health Professional Signatures 

Pancyprian Medical Association & Cyprus National Committee on the Environment and Child Health – Public Health Dangers from the 5G Network

California Department of Public Health –  Reduce Exposure to Radiofrequency From Cell Phones

The BabySafe Project – Health Professionals Warn of Dangers of Wireless Radiation on  Pregnancy

Turin Medical Association of Italy – Changes in the Law on Electromagnetic Radiation Needed

Department of Pediatrics at Hadassah Hebrew University Hospital – Statement by Dr. Eitan Kerem

The American Academy of Environmental Medicine – Recommendations,  Letter to the FCC 

Association for Consumer Protection in Romania

Cleveland Clinic  

Swiss Physicians Association of Doctors for Environmental Protection – Apply The Precautionary Principle for Wireless Devices

Swiss Physicians Association of Doctors for Environmental Protection – Preliminary Draft for a Federal Law Protecting Against the Dangers of Non-Ionizing Radiation

African Cancer Organisation – Advisory to Keep Children From Mobile Phones

The Cyprus National Committee on Environment and Child Health – Recommendations to Reduce Exposure to Children

Austrian Medical Association – Nicosia Declaration on Health Impacts from EMF and RF Radiation 

Austrian Medical Association – Practical Rules to Decrease Wireless EMF Radiation Exposure 

Santa Clara County Medical Association Magazine 

Connecticut Department of Public Health – Cell Phone Safety Bulletin 

Athens Medical Association – Measures to Protect Against Electromagnetic Radiation

Canadian Parliament Standing Committee on Health of the House of Commons

Pittsburgh Cancer Institute


Briefing on 5G Health Impacts by Dr. Martin Pall:  “5G: Great risk for EU, U.S. and International Health! Compelling Evidence for Eight Distinct Types of Great Harm Caused by Electromagnetic Field(EMF) Exposures and the Mechanism that Causes Them”

November 19, 2018 – Magda Havas, BSc, PhD, Trent University, Peterborough, Canada – Open Letter: Need to Consider Health Effects Associated with Radio Frequency and Microwave Radiation before Deployment of 5G.

November 19, 2018 – Paul Héroux, Professor of Toxicology and Health Effects of Electromagnetism, McGill University Medicine, Montreal – Open Letter

November 21, 2018 – Yuri Grigoriev, Dr. Sc. Med., Professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Electrotechnical Sciences – Open Letter: From Electromagnetic Smog to Electromagnetic Chaos Evaluating the Hazards of Mobile Communication for Public Health

December 7, 2018 – David O. Carpenter, Director, Institute for Health and the Environment, University at Albany, State University of New York – Open Letter to Ministers and Members of Parliament of the Brussels Capital Region

December 13, 2018 – Olle Johansson, associate professor / retired from the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, and the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden – Letter of Concern, addressed to the decision-makers of the City of Brussels

May 15, 2019- Magda Havas, BSc, PhD, Trent University, Peterborough, Canada Affidavit  on 5G to Canadian Parliament with non profit EMF OFF. 

2019 Letters to the Government of Guernsey

Letter from Dr. Alvaro Augusto de Salles to Mrs. Andrea Dudley-Owen, VP of Health and Social Security, The States of Guernsey, Re: 5G

Letter from Dr. Sharon Goldburg to Mrs. Heidi Soulsby & Mrs. Andrea Dudley-Owen, President of Health & Social Care & Vice President, The States of Guernsey, Re: 5G

Letter from Don Maisch PhD to Chairman Michael O’Higgins Chief Minister Gavin St Pier, The States of Guernsey, Re: 5g

Letter from David O. Carpenter, MD to Charles Parkinson Esq President of Economic Development Committee, The States of Guernsey, Re: 5G

Letter from Devra Davis PhD, MPH, to to Chairman Michael O’Higgins Chief Minister Gavin St Pier, The States of Guernsey, Re: 5G

Letter from Dr. Christos D. Georgiou, Ph.D. to Charles Parkinson Esq/Deputies of Guernsey President Committee of Economic Development The States of Guernsey, Re: 5G

Letter from EMF 249 Scientists to Mr. Charles Parkinson/Mrs. Andrea Dudley-Owen President & Vice President of Economic Development, The States of Guernsey, Re: 5G

Letter from Jerry L. Phillips Ph.D. to Mr. Charles Parkinson & Mrs. A Dudley-Owen President & Vice President Of Economic Development, The States of Guernsey, Re: 5G

Letter from Paul Héroux, PhD to The States of Guernsey, Re: 5G

Health Effects of Electromagnetism (Detailed Report) submitted to The States of Guernsey by Paul Héroux, PhD

Letter from Anthony B. Miller, MD, FRCP to Gavin St Pier Esq, Chief Minister, The States of Guernsey, Re: 5G

Letter from Professor Colin Pritchard to The States of Guernsey, Re: 5G

Declaration to European Commission by 180 Scientists Calling For A Moratorium on 5G Cell Antennas, September 13, 2017

National Health Integrated Associates October 29, 2018 Letter to Montgomery County Council

Letter from Dr. Lennart Hardell To Governor Jerry Brown on SB649

Beatrice Alexandra Golomb, MD, PhD Lettter in Opposition to SB649

Letter from Dr. Martin Pall in Opposition to SB649

Attachment to Dr. Pall Letter – 142 Microwave Radiation Review Studies

Letter from Dr. Devra Davis to Chair Aguiar-Curry on SB 649, June 28, 2017

Letter from Dr. Devra Davis to Governor Jerry Brown on SB 649, September 17, 2017

Letter from Dr. Paul Ben Ishai in Opposition to SB 649, September 08, 2017

Letter from Dr. Cindy Russell in opposition to SB649 

Letter from Physicians For Safe Technology in opposition to SB649

Article from Dr. Cindy Russell on Impacts of 5G Technology, January 2017

Santa Clara Bulletin, pg. 20-23, “A 5G Wireless Future: Will It Give Us a Smart Nation or Contribute to An Unhealthy One?” by Cindy Russell, January 2017

Letter from Dr. Joel Moskowitz To Governor Jerry Brown on SB649

Beatrice Alexandra Golomb, MD, PhD Lettter in Opposition to SB649

Letter from Dr. Sam Milhelm 

Letter from Dr.  John West 

Letter from Dr. Hugh Scully to the City of Toronto 

Letter from Dr. Stephen Sinatra to Toronto City Councilors in Opposition to Item 26.21 

Joint letter from 541 health, environment and justice advocates and organizations to US Senators and Representatives in opposition to bills on 5G and wireless radiation expansion – 13 November, 2017 



Letter from Frank Clegg, former President of Microsoft, Canada

Ellie Marks Letter to Governor Brown SB 649

Letter from the Alliance of Nurses for Health Environments

Letter from Environmental Working Group June 26, 2017

Letter from Environmental Working Group July 26, 2017

8/20 National Institute for Science, Law & Public Policy Letter to Appropriations Committee

8/21 National Institute for Science, Law & Public Policy Letter to Assembly

8/24 National Institute for Science, Law & Public Policy Letter to Governor Brown.

Letter from the Sierra Club, August 15, 2017

Letter from Greenlining Institute, June 27, 2017

Letter from the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), July 19, 2017

Letter from Law Office of Harry Lehmann “Mass casualties are likely in District 10 from passage of 648”, July 6, 2017

Letter from Law Office Of Harry Lehmann to State of California, “Liability for Damage From Microwave Radiation Exposure Sustained by Senate Bill 649 Will Be Shifted to California State”, July 19, 2017

Letter from Law Office of Harry Lehmann, “SB 649 will  disproportionately effect the poor in California”, August 24, 2017

Letter From EMF Safety Network and Ecological Options Network, July 06, 2017

Letter by Susan Foster Assembly Appropriations Letter – Fire Station Exemption from SB 649, August 14, 2017

Letter from Susan Foster and Radiation Research Trust in of Opposition of SB649, June 22, 2017

Scientists For Wired Technology, 5/30/17: front and back

Scientists For Wired Technology 5/31/17:front and back

American Planning Association Opposes SB 649

Berkeley City Council Opposition Letter, April 25, 2017



Comments by Ronald M. Powell, PhD, to the FCC on Spectrum Frontiers

Comments by The Berkshire-Litchfield Environmental Council to the FCC on Spectrum Frontiers, July 12, 2016

Comments by Dr. Albert Manville to the FCC on Spectrum Frontiers, July 14, 2016

Comments by Dr. Joel Moskowitz to the FCC on Spectrum Frontiers, July 20, 2016

Comments by Dr. Yael Stein to the FCC on Spectrum Frontiers, July 09, 2016  

Comments by Dr. Devra Davis to the FCC on Spectrum Frontiers

Comments by Susan Clarke to the FCC on Spectrum Frontiers, July 14, 2016

Comments by EMF Scientist Appeal Advisors to the FCC on Spectrum Frontiers, June 09, 2017

Please click here for a large PDF of Letters by Scientists and Doctors on Small Cells and 5G