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US Agencies and Federal Policies

US Secretary of Defense Warns the FCC that 5G Network Could Harm GPS

The Federal Communications Commission proposes to approve a new 5G cellular network despite claims from the Department of Defense that it will interfere with Global Positioning System (GPS) services. April 2020: According to news reports in Ars Technica, FCC Chairman...

US Cities Lawsuit Against the FCC on 5G

Dozens of cities in the US have filed lawsuits against the FCC  because of bully tactics by the FCC. The FCC is stripping away local authority with industry friendly regulations for 5G small cells.  Oral arguments on two consolidated lawsuits against the Federal...

State Issues Landmark Best Practices For Digital Device Use in Schools

Backlash After State Issues Landmark Best Practices For Digital Device Use in Schools Aimed at Protecting Students From Health Impacts of Screens The Maryland State Department Of Education (MSDE) has issued the first of its kind US state guidance for “Health and...

Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs): A Training Workbook for Working People:

Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs): A Training Workbook for Working People: Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs): A Training Workbook for Working People published by the Labor Institute and funded by a grant from the New York Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health...