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New Hampshire Bombshell Report Documents Scientific Evidence That Questions the Safety of 5G

15 Recommendations Include Reducing Public Exposure to Wireless, Radiation Measurements, Reducing Radiation from Cell Phones and Protection of Trees and Bees 

On November 1, 2020, the New Hampshire Commission to Study the Environmental and Health Effects of Evolving 5G Technology has released its final report to  New Hampshire Governor Christopher T. Sununu, Speaker of the House  Stephen J. Shurtleff,  President of the Senate Donna Soucy summarizing its findings that safety assurances for 5G have “come into question because of the thousands of peer-reviewed studies documenting deleterious health effects associated with cellphone radiation exposure.” 

The majority of the New Hampshire Commission voted to support 15 recommendations to the New Hampshire Governor.

  • A resolution  to  US Congress  to require the FCC to commission an independent health study and review of safety limits. 
  • Engage agencies with ecological knowledge to develop RF-radiation safety limits that will protect the trees, plants, birds, insects, and pollinators.
  • Under the National Environmental Policy Act,  FCC should do an environmental impact statement as to the effect on New Hampshire and the country as a whole from 5G and the expansion of RF wireless technologies.
  • New measurement protocols needed to evaluate high data rate, signal characteristics associated with biological effects and summative effects of multiple radiation sources. 
  • New Hampshire schools and libraries should replace Wi-Fi with hardwired connections. 
  • Require setbacks for new wireless antennas from residences, businesses, and schools.  
  • Cell phones and wireless devices should be equipped with updated software that stop cell phones from radiating when positioned against the body.
  • Support statewide deployment of fiber optic cable connectivity with wired connections inside homes. 
  • Establish RF-radiation free zones in commercial and public buildings 
  • New Hampshire health agencies to educate the public on minimizing RF exposure with public service announcements on radio, television, print. “Warnings concerning the newborn and young as well as pregnant women”
  • State should measure RFR post maps for the public. 
  • Require 5G structures to be labeled for RFR at eye level and readable from nine feet away.
  • RFR signal strength measurements for cell sites should be done by independent contractors.
  • NH professional licensure to offer education so home inspectors can include RF intensity measurements. 
  • Warning signs to be posted in commercial and public buildings.

The report referred to the FCC as a “captured agency with undue industry influence,” citing the Harvard Press Book “Captured Agency: How the Federal Communications Commission is Dominated by the Industries it Presumably Regulates,” which compares the wireless industry to the tobacco industry. 

The 5G Report recommends US federal agencies coordinate “to protect people, wildlife, and the environment from harmful levels of radiation” and states “until there is Federal action, New Hampshire should take the initiative to protect its environment.”

The New Hampshire Commission includes several legislators who are also medical doctors and engineers, a scientist with expertise in electromagnetic radiation, a  New Hampshire Town Councilperson and representatives from the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office, Department of Health & Human Services and the Department of Business and Economic Affairs.  Also represented on the Commission were members of the industry, including a CTIA Wireless Industry representative who was one of the three members signing onto the minority report. In contrast to the majority report which documents why hundreds of scientists are raising the alarm about 5G because of substantial scientific evidence finding harmful health and environmental impacts, the minority report purports that “the scientific consensus” is that wireless is safe. 

Testimony was presented to the Commission by numerous experts, including the US National Toxicology Program scientists Dr. Michael Wyde and Dr. John Bucher (PPT) who conducted the large-scale studies on cell phone radiation, Dr. David Carpenter (PPT), Herman Kelting PhD (minutes) Dr. Paul Heroux (minutes), wireless industry expert Eric Swanson PhD (PPT), Tim Schoechle PhD (minutes) and Environmental Health Trust experts Devra Davis PhD, MPH (PPT) and Theodora Scarato (PPT). 

The FCC and FDA did not respond to the Commission’s request for testimony, and the FDA did not fully answer the Commission’s questions. The National Cancer Institute response to the Commission was that NCI does not make safety recommendations or issue guidelines and is not aware of any federal agency mandated to ensure wireless signals are safe for trees, plants, insects or birds. 

The New Hampshire 5G Report contains an extensive list of research studies, medical organizations and scientists in support of calling for a halt to 5G. The Report is available online at

“The scientific research can no longer be ignored. We must reduce our wireless exposure. I commend the state of New Hampshire for taking the time to generate such an important and historic document,” stated Devra Davis PhD, MPH, President of Environmental Health Trust, who has published research documenting the scientific evidence indicating wireless is a human carcinogen and recently published a paper on cell phone radiation and colon cancer. Davis is one of the hundreds of scientists signing onto the Appeal to Halt 5G referenced by the New Hampshire Commission. “This report should be required reading for all elected officials and community planners.” 

Davis pointed out that the Commission’s investigations confirmed the inadequacy of FCC limits to protect health just as the EHT et al., v. FCC legal appeal claims.  On October 31, 2019, US National Toxicology Program (NTP) scientists Dr. Michael Wyde and Dr. John Bucher presented on the NTP study that found clear evidence of brain cancer and DNA damage in animals exposed to cell phone radiation. During the Q and A Commissioner Ricciardi asked, “Your study was designed to test non heating damage. You found damage so doesn’t that mean that FCC assumption that only heating can cause damage is incorrect and no longer accurate? Would you agree?” 

To this question Dr. Michael Wyde responded, “A lot of people believe unless you heat tissues, you won’t see health effects with RF. This study disproves that as we did not have overheating but we did see damage.” 

“Children are more vulnerable to wireless radiation and research has found brain damage from wireless radiation. I am thankful to see the prudent public health recommendations recommending reducing wireless exposures in schools,” stated Theodora Scarato, Executive Director of Environmental Health Trust, who published research on how to reduce wireless in buildings. “The New Hampshire Commission recommends using wired, not wireless, networks in schools which is in line with recommendations by the Maryland State Commission on Children and Environmental Health, the Council of Europe Resolution 1815 and the policies of several countries to remove Wi-Fi from classrooms. 

“The Commission’s recommendation 14 points out that FCC limits were not designed to protect trees or insects and that federal agencies should close this gap in accountability to ensure safety to wildlife and our tree canopy by developing exposure limits for safety,” Scarato continued, “Numerous studies documenting harm to the environment are listed in the New Hampshire Report as well as my letter from the EPA. When I asked the EPA about their review of impacts to birds, trees and wildlife they responded that ‘The EPA does not have a funded mandate for radiofrequency matters, and we are not aware of any EPA reviews that have been conducted on this topic. We do not know if any other US agencies have reviewed it.’”

International Action to Halt 5G

In the United States, Resolutions to halt 5G have been passed by Hawaii County, Farragut Tennessee and Easton Connecticut. Cities such as Los Altos, Petaluma, Mill Valley, and San Diego County California have adopted policies to restrict 5G small cells near homes. Oregon passed a Bill to study Wi-Fi health effects. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the California Department of Health recommend children reduce cell phone radiation exposure, as do medical organizations internationally, such as the Vienna Medical Association, Athens Medical Association and International Society of Doctors for Environment

Over 600 cities in Italy have passed resolutions to halt 5G, as have cities throughout Europe, such as Trafford, United Kingdom, Lille, France, Ormidia, Cyprus, Balchik, Bulgaria. The Pancyprian Medical Association and Cyprus National Committee on the Environment and Child Health sent Parliament their position paper “The Risks to Public Health from the Use of the 5G Network.” Bermuda has halted 5G pending a report on safety. Switzerland’s report on 5G health effects resulted in the Parliament’s refusal to loosen their radiation limits despite heavy industry lobbying efforts. The Netherlands issued a 5G report that recommended measuring radiation levels and also recommended against using the 26 GHz frequency band for 5G “for as long as the potential health risks have not been investigated.” 

History of the Commission

The Commission was established by New Hampshire Bill 522: An act establishing a commission to study the environmental and health effects of evolving 5G technology. The Act tasks the commission to answer several questions including, “Why have 1,000s of peer-reviewed studies, including the recently published U.S. Toxicology Program 16-year $30 million study, that are showing a wide range of statistically significant DNA damage, brain and heart tumors, infertility, and so many other ailments, being ignored by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC)?”


15 recommendations of the New Hampshire Commission

The majority endorsed 15 recommendations to increase transparency, reduce exposure and support science. 

“The objective of those recommendations is to bring about greater awareness of cell phone, wireless and 5G radiation health effects and to provide guidance to officials on steps and policies that can reduce public exposure. We also recommend partnering with our federal delegation to facilitate the reevaluation of radiation exposure guidelines and policies by federal agencies (i.e., the FCC, FDA, NASA, NOAA, FAA, EPA, etc.) to protect people, wildlife, and the environment from harmful levels of radiation.”


The New Hampshire 5G Commission Report 15 recommendations are:



Propose a resolution of the House to the US Congress and Executive Branch to require the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) to commission an independent review of the current radiofrequency (RF) standards of the electromagnetic radiation in the 300MHz to 300GHz microwave spectrum as well as a health study to assess and recommend mitigation for the health risks associated with the use of cellular communications and data transmittal.



Require that the most appropriate agency (agencies) of the State of New Hampshire include links on its (their) website(s) that contain information and warnings about RF-radiation from all sources, but specifically from 5G small cells deployed on public rights-of-way as well as showing the proper use of cell phones to minimize exposure to RF-radiation, with adequate funding granted by the Legislature. In addition, public service announcements on radio, television, print media, and internet should periodically appear, warning of the health risks associated with radiation exposure. Of significant importance are warnings concerning the newborn and young as well as pregnant women.



Require every pole or other structure in the public rights of- way that holds a 5G antenna be labeled indicating RF-radiation being emitted above. This label should be at eye level and legible from nine feet away.



Schools and public libraries should migrate from RF wireless connections for computers, laptops, pads, and other devices, to hardwired or optical connections within a five-year period starting when funding becomes available.



Signal strength measurements must be collected at all wireless facilities as part of the commissioning process and as mandated by state or municipal ordinances. Measurements are also to be collected when changes are made to the system that might affect its radiation, such as changes in the software controlling it. Signal strength is to be assessed under worst-case conditions in regions surrounding the tower that either are occupied or are accessible to the public, and the results of the data collection effort is to be made available to the public via a website. In the event that the measured power for a wireless facility exceeds radiation thresholds, the municipality is empowered to immediately have the facility taken offline. The measurements are to be carried out by an independent contractor and the cost of the measurements will be borne by the site installer.



Establish new protocols for performing signal strength measurements in areas around wireless facilities to better evaluate signal characteristics known to be deleterious to human health as has been documented through peer-reviewed research efforts. Those new protocols are to take into account the impulsive nature of high-data-rate radiation that a growing –body of evidence shows as having a significantly greater negative impact on human health than does continuous radiation. The protocols will also enable the summative effects of multiple radiation sources to be measured.



Require that any new wireless antennas located on a state or municipal right-of-way or on private property be set back from residences, businesses, and schools. This should be enforceable by the municipality during the permitting process unless the owners of residences, businesses, or school districts waive this restriction.



Upgrade the educational offerings by the NH Office of Professional Licensure and Certification (OPLC) for home inspectors to include RF intensity measurements.



The State of New Hampshire should begin an effort to measure RF intensities within frequency ranges throughout the state, with the aim of developing and refining a continually updated map of RF exposure levels across the state using data submitted by state-trained home inspectors.



Strongly recommend all new cell phones and all other wireless devices sold come equipped with updated software that can stop the phone from radiating when positioned against the body.



Promote and adopt a statewide position that would strongly encourage moving forward with the deployment of fiber optic cable connectivity, internal wired connections, and optical wireless to serve all commercial and public properties statewide.



Further basic science studies are needed in conjunction with the medical community outlining the characteristics of expressed clinical symptoms related to radio frequency radiation exposure.The majority of the Commission feels the medical community is in the ideal position to clarify the clinical presentation of symptoms precipitated by the exposure to radio frequency radiation consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) which identifies such a disability. The medical community can also help delineate appropriate protections and protocols for affected individuals. All of these endeavors (basic science, clinical assessment, epidemiological studies) must be completely independent and outside of commercial influence.



Recommend the use of exposure warning signs to be posted in commercial and public buildings. In addition, encourage commercial and public buildings, especially healthcare facilities, to establish RF-radiation free zones where employees and visitors can seek refuge from the effects of wireless RF emissions.



The State of New Hampshire should engage agencies with appropriate scientific expertise, including ecological knowledge, to develop RF-radiation safety limits that will protect the trees, plants, birds, insects, and pollinators.



The State of New Hampshire should engage our Federal Delegation to legislate that under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) the FCC do an environmental impact statement as to the effect on New Hampshire and the country as a whole from the expansion of RF wireless technologies.


5G Commission Membership

  • Rep. Patrick Abrami (Chair) NH House of Representatives
  • Rep. Kenneth Wells NH House of Representatives
  • Rep. Gary Woods NH House of Representatives
  • Sen. James Gray NH Senate
  • Sen. Tom Sherman NH Senate
  • Denise Ricciardi Public
  • Brandon Garod, Esq. Attorney General’s Office
  • Carol Miller Department of Business and Economic Affairs
  • David Juvet Business and Industry Association
  • Kent Chamberlin, PhD University of New Hampshire
  • Bethanne Cooley CTIA – wireless communications industry
  • Michele Roberge Department of Health and Human Services
  • Paul Héroux, PhD McGill University Medicine


2019 Minutes of 5 Commission 

  • September 16th: Text of the Bill and Questions Commission is Tasked to answer
  • October 10: Dr. Paul Heroux Biological Effects of EMFs 
  • October 31st: National Toxicology Program Scientist y Dr. Michael Wyde, toxicologist and Dr. John Bucher presentation. Link to NTP Slides 
  • November 21st: Dr. Eric Swanson: University of Pittsburgh, Professor of Physics Presentation brought by CTIA
  • December 13th: Tim Schoechle PhD: National Institute for Science, Law and Public Policy presentation 

2020 Minutes 

2019 Commission Filings  

2020 Filings


Worldwide Action to Halt 5G


Countries Taking Action on Cell Phones and Wireless Radiation


Read research on 5G Health and Environmental Effects