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The Los Angeles Superior Court ruled  on March 27, 2024, that the Los Angeles County Wireless Facilities Ordinance cannot forgo California state environmental law (California Environmental Quality Act or CEQA) for wireless facilities built on scenic highways and historical sites. 

Judge James C. Chalfant ruled in part for the First Amendment petitioners in Fiber First LA et al v. The County of Los Angeles, stating that “The FAP [First Amendment petition] is granted in limited part in that the historical resources and scenic highways exceptions apply to the ordinance.”

The petitioners were unable to stop sections in the ordinance that would allow densification of small cells and cell towers close to homes, schools and businesses. Although Environmental Health Trust submitted a large amount of research on health and environmental impacts of wireless facilities to the record, the court found that public comments “insufficient to be substantial evidence” that the ordinance “will result in significant aesthetic, biological, hazards, water, or human health impacts.”

Lead attorney W. Scott McCollough said that the legal team is “considering seeking further review of certain issues.” 

Both parties have until May 7th to respond to the ruling.


Press Release: Concealed FCC Cell Phone Radiation Tests Show Human ‘Exposure Limits Were Exceeded’

EHT reveals concealed FCC cell phone radiation tests showing human radiation exposure limits exceeded federal limits when smartphones were in close proximity to the human body.

Appeal by Environmental Health Trust (EHT) to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Seeking Records Withheld by the FCC

Appeal of the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) determination granting in part and denying in part Theodora Scarato’s request under the Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) on behalf of the Environmental Health Trust.

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Release of 11 Records to the Environmental Health Trust (EHT) in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

FCC FOIA Release reveal concealed findings on cell phone radiation tests. Unveil the truth behind SAR limits and discover implications for public health.

Ashland Mayor Wants Answers on Why FCC has Not Responded to its 2021 Court Order

Discover why Ashland Mayor Tonya Graham is pressing for answers regarding FCC’s noncompliance with a court order.

Shielding Against Unseen Dangers: The Massachusetts Wireless Safety Bills Initiative

Explore Massachusetts Wireless Safety Bills: Understanding Proposed Laws and Public Safety Impact for Informed Action.

New York State Smartmeter Opt Out Bill 2024: Protect Your Choice

Learn about New York State Smartmeter Opt Out Bill, safeguarding consumer choice. Keep analog meters for safer, reliable utilities. Act now!

FDA Sued: Soft Lights Foundation Acts Against LED Health Risks

Dive into Soft Lights Foundation’s President, Mark Baker’s lawsuit against FDA over LED health risks. Uncover the lawsuit’s implications here.

The Regulation of Wireless Radiation in the United States: Exemplar of a Regulatory Gap

The Regulation of Wireless Radiation in the United States: Exemplar of a Regulatory Gap  Theodora Scarato MSW Executive Director of Environmental Health Trust American Public Health Association Annual Conference Law Section Poster Presentation  See also The Case for...

Both Sheffield and Great Barrington Massachusetts Residents Vote For Citizen’s Petition to Hold 5G Applications Until the FCC Updates

Breaking: Both Sheffield and Great Barrington, Massachusetts Residents Vote in Favor of Citizens Petition to Hold 5G Applications Until the FCC Does and Environmental Review and Updates It's Limit.  Sheffield and Great Barrington annual town meetings May 1st, 2023...

Former FCC Attorney: How the FCC Fails to Follow Environmental Laws and Fails the Public

Erica Rosenberg, formerly Assistant Chief of the Competition and Infrastructure Policy Division at the Federal Communications Commission, claims the FCC has failed to protect the environment and the public. Since leaving the FCC, she has documented numerous ways in...