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New York State Smartmeter Opt Out Bill 

New York State Senator Harckham’s consumer protection and utility meter choice bill is back in action with Senator Comrie as a co-sponsor.   

This bill

  • Allows you to keep your electric, gas, or water analog meter with no fee, penalty or service charge.
    Allows you to get an analog meter re-instated, within 10 days if you provide written notice that you are electrically sensitive.  Or within a month otherwise.
    There must be 50% approval within an apartment building in order for them to install any digital or smart meter at that location.  (A great first step in dealing with multi-unit buildings.) 

Americans for Responsible Technology has an overview of the bill and why it’s needed.

The bill is now in the Senate Consumer Protection Committee:

From New Yorkers 4 Wired Tech

We are told that the best thing we can do at this moment is to contact members of that committee in order to encourage their support and encourage them to activate Chair Kevin Thomas to bring the bill up for a vote.  This is especially important if you are one of these legislators’ constituents.  

Here are their phone #s.

Sen. Samra Brouk -518-455-2215 Albany, 585-223-1800 (Rochester)
Sen. Patricia Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick – 518-455-2400; 516-766-8383 (Valley Stream, LI)
Sen Kristen Gonzalez – 518-455-3230; 718-765-6674 (NYC)
Sen. Brian Kavanagh – 518-455-2625; 212-4317836 (NYC)
Sen. Zellnor Myrie – 518-455-2410; 718-284-4700 (Brooklyn)
Sen. Bill Weber – 518-455-2991; 845-623-3627 (Rockland)

It would be great to contact these representatives early and often with a simple message:

Bill S5632A on Utility Meter Choice is important to me and the whole community.  I hope that the Senator will support the bill and encourage the Committee Chair Senator Kevin Thomas to bring it up for a vote!”

For a more elaborate script for all representatives, feel free to use:

“I’m calling to urge (legislator’s name) to support Senate Bill S5632A.  This bill provides for utility meter choice, which is a consumer protection that residents and businesses in NY state require.  We will get to say no to digital smart meters and keep our safe, reliable analog meterSmart meters are a health hazard, and have many safety issues.  After more than a decade of attempts, this bill is the best to date.  I also urge (legislator’s name) to co-sponsor the bill.  Thank you for your attention to this matter.”  Let the staff person know if you’re in their district.  If they ask and you’re not in their district, reply with “No, I’m not in your district, but this issue is pertinent to every NY resident, which is why I’m compelled to call.”