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campaign for safer cell phones

If 5G is So Safe ? Part 1. Scientists and Medical Organizations

If 5G, cell towers, and wireless are so safe, then why do all these organizations recommend reducing wireless exposure? 5G Appeal to the European Union by Hundreds of Scientists   American Academy of Pediatrics - Letters Calling for Updating Radiation Standards US...

Can Chronic Cellphone Use Hinder your Infant’s Development?

Can Chronic Cellphone Use Hinder your Infant’s Development? By Meghan Ryan The two most important communicative mechanisms a newborn innately has to navigate his world are eye gaze and crying. From birth, newborns are constantly developing speech, language and...

Companies Committed to Safer Cell Phone Use

Below are companies, to date, who are committed to protecting employee health and agree to: Promote cell phone safety by distributing Environmental Health Trust information Provide headsets to all employees who use phones for business Sponsor Environmental Health...

EHT Kicks Off Global Campaign for Safer Cell Phones!

Environmental Health Trust (EHT), a nonprofit organization dedicated to identifying and controlling environmental health hazards, launched its Global Campaign for Safer Cell Phones in a dozen nations this month. The campaign’s goal is to promote the public right to...