Extinction Rebellion blocks a Proximus store against the deployment of 5G
Streaming with wireless results in higher greenhouse gas emissions compared to safer, faster, and more secure corded/wired fiber-optic connections. Numerous reports have documented the exponentially increased energy consumption of 5G, 4G densification and the billions of new wireless devices for the Internet of Things (IOT). While there may be improvements in energy efficiency for new devices individually, these gains are completely lost in the increases in total demand that will take place with the proliferation of games, videos, other streaming services, and the continued generation of highly addictive apps.
In nearby France, actions against 5G also have continued. The “Extinction Rebellion Orléans” collective in France has mounted actions posting anti-5G posters on Sunday, March 14 in the center of the city as part of an international mobilization campaign against the deployment of this technology.
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L’action anti-5G d’Extinction Rebellion au siège de Proximus @XR_Belgiumhttps://t.co/xbdiRqALSi pic.twitter.com/YD2P4o0ibF
— Extinction Rebellion Lausanne (@xrlausanne) March 21, 2021
Protestons ! ✊
Rassemblement EN COURS contre la #5G devant la #mairiedeParis avec @xr_ParisIDF @APEnvironnement et Procès-5G 📶👉 Atteintes majeures à l'#environnement, déni de #democratie , incertitudes sanitaires…
Nous demandons l'arrêt du déploiement de la #5G !#Stop5G pic.twitter.com/AaIR4qDiUb— Extinction Rebellion France 🐝🌺 (@xrFrance) April 17, 2021
Opération coup de poing d’Extinction Rebellion contre la 5G ce dimanche à Orléanshttps://t.co/NdwpYy2sz9
— Extinction Rebellion Lausanne (@xrlausanne) March 14, 2021
Action #stop5g à Orléans, les amishs XR d'@EmmanuelMacron souhaitent que le moratoire sur la 5G ait lieu comme le demande la CCC. Les opérateurs @Orange_France @bouyguestelecom @free @SFR doivent dire la vérité sur ses impacts sanitaires et écologiques. #5G #ExtinctionRebellion pic.twitter.com/KUdxtNMaWG
— Extinction Rebellion Orléans (@OrleansXr) March 14, 2021