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Results for "videos"

Create A Low EMF Sleep Sanctuary- A Health Sleep Space

Nighttime is the perfect time to easily reduce your electromagnetic (EMF) exposure. This way your body can rest and heal from the day.  Even if just do one or two things, it will make a huge difference in your daily EMF dose.  A mounting body of science links wireless...

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Cell Tower Safety Risks Fires and Collapse

Cell Tower Fires, Collapse and Criminal Activity Cell towers present safety risks when proposed at schools and in neighborhoods. Cell towers are industrial machinery and have series risks. In addition, worker safety has been an ongoing safety issue. If a cell tower is...

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Wired Internet is Faster and More Reliable

Ofcom launches Campaign that includes using wired internet because it is faster and more reliable. "Try wired rather than wireless For the best broadband speeds, use an Ethernet cable to connect your computer directly to your router rather than using wifi. This is a...

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