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Results for "5g"

5G Installation Prohibited by Mayor of Potenza Picena Italy

ITALY: Noemi Tartabini, Mayor of Potenza Picena Italy prohibits the installation of 5G: Over 150 Cities/Towns have Passed Actions to Halt 5G From Picchio News: "The Mayor of Potenza Picena Noemi Tartabini  has issued an ordinance in which "prohibits anyone from...

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Three-year moratorium on 4G & 5G in Geneva, Switzerland

Switzerland: The  Canton of Geneva has introduced a three-year moratorium on 4G and 5G. The amendment to the law stipulates that any new installation will be subject to a permit during this period. This applies to both ‘4G+’ a.k.a. 1st wave 5G, operating at the 3.5...

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Statement on Health Effects of 5G by Anthony B. Miller MD

Statement on 5G  by Anthony B. Miller, MD, FRCP, CM. Professor Emeritus, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada. February 12, 2020 Radiation exposure has long been a concern for the public, policy makers and health researchers....

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Information on 5G

For much of its history, the cancer war has been fighting the wrong battles, with the wrong weapons, against the wrong enemies.The risks to health from air pollution are largely invisible today in the industrial world yet air pollution is a leading environmental cause...

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US Cities Lawsuit Against the FCC on 5G

Dozens of cities in the US have filed lawsuits against the FCC  because of bully tactics by the FCC. The FCC is stripping away local authority with industry friendly regulations for 5G small cells.  Oral arguments on two consolidated lawsuits against the Federal...

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Postcards to distribute urging people to protect the ones they love.
Postcard urging not to put phones in your bra.
Safety postcard