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Results for "peer reviewed"

Airpods and Bluetooth Health and Safety FAQs

Airpods and Bluetooth Earbuds: What You Need to Know  AirPods and Bluetooth headsets constantly emit radiofrequency (RF) radiation, AKA microwaves while they are in your ears, whether you are using them or not.  The RF is absorbed into your skull, brain and ear...

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5G Awareness Poster Banned in the UK

This 5G awareness poster by Electrosensitivity UK has been banned by the Ads Council. It is the second poster on the health impact of wireless banned by the Ads Council despite the hundreds of scientific papers provided to the Ads Council. The...

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TR Daily: FCC Maintains Existing RF Exposure Limits

TR Daily: FCC Maintains Existing RF Exposure Limits December 4, 2019 Paul Kirby Reprinted with permission of TR Daily The FCC released an item today maintaining its existing radio frequency (RF) exposure limits despite arguments that they are unsafe and should be...

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USA National 5G Resolution

United States of America National 5G Resolution An Urgent Call for a Moratorium on 5th Generation Wireless  Technologies Pending Safety Testing  Press Release and Signatory list can be found here. Doctors or health practitioners who want to sign onto  this letter...

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Postcards to distribute urging people to protect the ones they love.
Postcard urging not to put phones in your bra.
Safety postcard