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Results for "laptop"

Fine Print Exposed: Hidden Cell Phone Radiation Advice

New E-book is Released in Celebration of the Berkeley Right to Know Law Now In Effect Despite repeated legal challenges, Berkeley’s Right to Know Law about Cell Phone Radiation takes effect this month.  To celebrate this long-awaited development, Environmental Health...

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Ridiculous Wi-Fi Tech

The lack of adequate safety standards to protect public health has led to the unfettered rollout of wireless technology and products like these coming on the market. EHT strongly opposes the use of these ridiculous Wi-Fi tech products as they increase exposure of...

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Recent Scientific Publications by the EHT Scientific Team

Recent scientific publications by EHT experts and advisors   EHT scientists and scientific advisors regularly  publish research in peer reviewed journals. On this page is a short list of our published works. Ben Ishai Paul, Baldwin Hillel Z, Birnbaum Linda S,...

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Top 10 Facts About Cell Phones and Wi-Fi

Cell phones emit a type of radiation.  All cell phones are actually two-way microwave radios that send and receive a type of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation called radiofrequency radiation (RFR). This machine-made radiation is millions of times denser than the...

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Postcards to distribute urging people to protect the ones they love.
Postcard urging not to put phones in your bra.
Safety postcard