The Fountain Hills, AZ Town Council approved a resolution calling for a moratorium on the installation of 5G wireless technology in the community due to wireless radiation health concerns and property devaluation concerns. The resolution calls “upon all utilities...
5G in New York City
New York City is slated to get dozens of new huge 32 foot 5G and 4G poles! Many residents are opposed. The new jumbo LINK5G poles are very large, tall and have five tiers for transmitting antennas. Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile are adding 5G technology in New York...
Connecticut House Bill 5107 Proposed on Small Cell Siting And Smart Meter Opt-in
Connecticut House Bill 5107 "An Act Concerning Small Cell Siting And Smart" Meter Opt-in has been proposed. Sponsors Rep. David Michel [D] Rep. Anne Hughes [D] History Date Chamber Action 2023-01-09 House Referred to Joint Committee on Energy and Technology Status...
Local Cell Tower Laws That Protect Communities
Exemplary U.S. Local Cell Tower Laws Protecting Community Interests By Regulating Cell Towers, 5G, and Wireless Antennas DOWNLOAD THESE RESOURCES Exemplary U.S. Local Ordinances on 5G, Cell Towers and Wireless AntennasScientific Research on 5G and Cell Towers Legal...
Letter to The Honorable Jessica Rosenworcel, Chairwoman Federal Communications Commission From Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon Children and FCC Wireless Radiation Safety Limits
April 21, 2022 Letter to Jessica Rosenworcel, Chairwoman Federal Communications Commission From Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon Children and FCC Wireless Radiation Safety Limits Environmental Health Trust was honored to present to the Governors office on our lawsuit...
Food and Drug Administration Letter to the Honorable Edward J. Markey May 5, 1997 On Cell Phone Radiation
Food and Drug Administration to the Honorable Edward J. Markey May 5, 1997 on cell phone radiation DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Public Health Service Food and Drug Administration Rockville MD 20857 May 5, 1997 The Honorable Edward J. Markey Ranking...
Pittsfield Massachusetts City Council Passes Electrohypersensitivity Day Resolution
Pittsfield Massachusetts Electrohypersensitivity Day Resolution WHEREAS, the City of Pittsfield value the diversity, equity and inclusion of all its residents, including those with visible and invisible differences and especially those that involve physical or mental...
Ohio Department of Natural Resources Letters on Environmental Impacts and Recommendations for Smart City Development and 5G Related Fiber optic
Ohio Department of Natural Resources Letters on Environmental Impacts and Recommendations for Smart City Development and 5G Related Fiber optic Environmental Health Trust is sharing two letters from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources regarding environmental...
Scientific Letters to State Officials of Health, Education and PTAs on Wi-Fi and Cell Tower Radiation in Classrooms
"Today, we are writing to advise you of the scientific grounds for taking action to mitigate student, teacher and staff exposures to Wi-Fi and other non-ionizing electromagnetic fields in student classrooms and dorms." Scientific information has been sent to...
Myth: The Food And Drug Administration (FDA) has reviewed the science on 5G and cell towers and determined the radiation is safe.
False: The Food And Drug Administration (FDA) has reviewed the science on 5G and cell towers and determined the radiation is safe and FCC limits protect public health. A Total Myth: The FDA’s website clearly shows that the FDA has reviewed the totality of...