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The Fountain Hills, AZ Town Council approved a resolution calling for a moratorium on the installation of 5G wireless technology in the community due to wireless radiation health concerns and property devaluation concerns. The resolution calls “upon all utilities operating in the Town of Fountain Hills …to cease and desist the build out of so-called ‘5G’ wireless infrastructure until Jan. 31, 2024.”

The moratorium resolution was proposed by Councilwoman Brenda Kalivianakis and supported by council members Gerry Friedel, Allen Skillicorn and Hannah Toth.


Watch The Town Council Meeting May 2, 2023 where testimony focused on the radiation and health effects. 

The resolution further adds that Town regulations should be updated or replaced so that “equipment and method of service delivery of communications not protected in the 1996 (Telecommunications Act) (services other than Cellular Type II communications), are delivered via methods that do not devalue property values and are deemed safe to the environment and human health with the completion of an FCC NEPA review for the location of Fountain Hills.”

Link to Resolution 2023-19 – Version Two

Learn more about this news item from the Fountain Hills Times here.
