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5G News

Just why is the 5G rollout in trouble in the USA — The Times of Israel

By Paul Ben Ishai A story is rocking the world of communications today.  You won’t have heard about it in our tiny corner of the world.  It has nothing to do with cyber misdemeanors of our police or Bibi’s plea.  Instead, it is a tail of arrogance and stupidity. ...

Petting Zoo Fights Cell Tower

172 year old family farm owner works to stop cell tower proposed across the road. NASHVILLE, Ill. — The owner of a popular petting zoo is fighting a proposal that would put a cell phone tower roughly 350 feet tall next to his family farm. If you head west on Route 15...

Channel News Asia: Is Radiation From Wireless Devices Dangerous?

Channel News Asia: Is Radiation From Wireless Devices Dangerous? January 14, 2022 Dr. Devra Davis is featured in this recent investigation by CNA’s Steve Chia on health effects of cell phone radiation. Dr. Davis' interview is at 13:26 in the segment.  In Singapore, ...

Event: Myths and Facts on 5G With Drs. Devra Davis and Paul Ben Ishai

It's difficult to separate myths and facts of 5G. Even scientists outside this highly technical professional field routinely misunderstand and confuse the physics with the biological impacts of wireless radiation exposure. What they say about the safety of wireless...