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It’s difficult to separate myths and facts of 5G. Even scientists outside this highly technical professional field routinely misunderstand and confuse the physics with the biological impacts of wireless radiation exposure. What they say about the safety of wireless radiation is wrong. We have the science to prove it and clear it up for the layman.

Join us on Tuesday, Jan. 25, 2022, at 11:30 a.m. ET, 8:30 a.m. PT, as EHT founder Dr. Devra Davis and Physics Professor Paul Ben Ishai of Ariel University hold a live event to discuss the myths vs. facts on the science of wireless radiation.

You can join by Zoom or watch Live on Facebook.


Read the Latest News and Information on Wireless Radiation

Expert Letter Opposing the Weakening of Italy’s Strict Wireless Radiation Limit


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Energy and Environment Leader: Wireless Regulations Unchanged Despite Environmental, Health Hazards


Learn about the concerning impacts of wireless radiation effects on wildlife, including pollinators like honeybees. Take action for environmental protection.


Indian Environment Ministry Bans Cell Towers in Tiger Habitats


Delve into the ecological implications of cell towers in tiger habitats, uncovering vital insights for wildlife conservation efforts.


Protest in Cyprus Over 5G Tower Near School: Health Effects of Cell Towers Is The Issue


Delve into the 5G cell tower protest in Konia, where children advocate for safety near their school. Join the call for school safety today.


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Discover how cell phone use correlates with rising brain tumor rates in the US. Explore Dr. Joel Moskowitz’s insights on this concerning trend.


EHT Op-Ed in The Hill: Why is NIH Halting Research on Cell Phone Radiation Health Effects?


Discover why NIH abruptly ceased research on cell phone radiation health effects. Read Dr. Devra Davis’ Op-ed in the Hill.


Safer Technology in 2024: Policy Updates & Advocacy Efforts


Efforts and updates on safer technology in 2024, focusing on health impacts and legislative measures to create a healthier tech environment.


Update by Dr. Henry Lai: Majority of Studies Find Cell Phone and Wireless Radiation Effects


Explore Dr. Henry Lai’s comprehensive EMF research summary revealing wireless radiation effects from radio frequency and low frequency electromagnetic fields.
