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American Public Health Association Annual Conference November 12-15

The Case for Mitigating Wireless Radiation in the School Setting as Primary Prevention  to support children’s physical and mental health 

Theodora Scarato MSW Executive Director of Environmental Health Trust

Link to American Public Health Association Conference webpage on the presentation. More than 25,000 members strong, the American Public Health Association is the largest organization speaking out on behalf of public health issues and policies backed by science.

Link to Theodora Scarato’s slides 

Background: Numerous scientists are calling to reduce radiofrequency wireless (RF) radiation exposure in the school setting due to emerging science finding cancer, brain damage, headaches, memory problems and damage to the reproductive system. Schools internationally are mitigating risk via solutions that allow internet connectivity but without wireless exposures.Several countries have banned Wi-Fi in kindergarten and restrict Wi-Fi in elementary.

Methods: Present key scientific research studies and the ethical reasons to support RF reductions in the school setting. Review the recommendations of medical organizations and governments internationally regarding mitigating RF in schools and develop content for an educational campaign as well as steps to reduce classroom exposures for teachers to take in the classroom from simple steps to more comprehensive. Develop high school level activities to raise awareness such as developing questions for a classroom debate and mapping out the RF in the community.

Conclusions: In light of the science and potential serious consequences of inaction, mitigating exposure in classrooms is the ethical and prudent response. Educational activities are needed for the students, teachers, administration and families so that they understand the basics of RF and how to reduce daily exposure by distancing devices from the body. Some schools will invest in safer infrastructure which will require student education as to how to connect to the internet. If the administration does not make changes, there are a series of simple steps that teachers can still take to reduce RF, such as having cell phones powered off in classrooms.

Additional Resources

Please see resources from Theodora Scarato’s Poster presentation at the Conference