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Wi-Fi In Schools Resources 

Healthy Classrooms

Our children, teachers, and staff deserve safe and healthy technology. Wi-Fi networks and cell phones create high density wireless radiofrequency exposures in classrooms. Research has found radiofrequency radiation associated with cancer, brain damage, headaches, memory problems and damage to the reproductive system. Safer solutions do exist that allow internet connectivity but without harmful wireless exposures.

Many schools in the USA and worldwide are replacing wireless with safe wired technology connections due to this research. Teacher unions are passing resolutions for safe technology. Oregon has passed a bill to study the health effects of Wi-Fi in school and the Maryland State Children’s Environmental Health And Protection Council issued the first-ever US state recommendations to reduce classroom wireless exposure.

Resources For Action


Your Questions Answered

Parent Action Steps

Letter to School Administrator

PTAs Taking Action on Wi-Fi

Youtube Playlist on Wi-Fi in School

Printable FAQs on Safe Tech 



Teachers and Staff

Your Questions Answered

Classroom Educational Materials

Teacher Unions Taking Action on Wi-Fi

Key Elements for Resolutions & Position Statements

Action Steps for Educators and Unions 

TechSafe Schools Resources: The TechSafeSchools program is designed to help you find answers: to provide you, your staff and your board with legal information, technical assistance and communications templates.

In  2023 the Santa Clara County Medical Association adopted  Recommendations for Best Practices for Safe Technology in Schools in order to educate physicians, school officials and teachers of the complex health risks and potential health hazards of digital and wireless technology in schools. The group examined research on the broad impacts of digital technology including health and neurologic effects of exposure to wireless radiation, eye effects, mental health effects and impacts on academic performance. Recognizing the importance of protecting children’s health in all environments, including schools several recommendations for best practices were advised.

Must have Resources

Briefing Documents

Safe Schools 2012: Medical and scientific statements on Wi-Fi in Schools

Wi-Fi in Canadian Schools: A Health and Safety Issue: Read a detailed document of peer-reviewed scientific studies (50) documenting potentially harmful biological effects of Wi-Fi frequency (2.4-2.45 GHz) at or below Health Canada’s Safety Code. (Note: Canada, Australia and US RF Limits are similar)

Environmental Health Trust 2015 Briefing on Wi-Fi in Schools 

Child Safe School Briefing Documents Grassroots Environmental

Meates, Julie, Teachers and Curriculum, v21 n1 p77-91 2021 (PDF)

The Babysafe Project

Protections for the developing brain during pregnancy.

Main Website:

Joint statement signed by experts worldwide

The Science on Wireless and Pregnancy

Babysafe Brochure English, Spanish, French