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Facts Gleaned From The CDC Internal Documents

EHT has obtained thousands of pages of documents from CDC though FOIA requests.

The New York Times did an expose on a portion of CDC internal emails which reveal how the CDC made decisions on what information to publicly present to the American people on the issue of cell phone radiation and health. However, the NYT article was incomplete in fully detailing the facts one can extrapolate from the CDC documents. EHT has found far more industry tied influence. 

As a public service EHT is providing an ongoing analysis of facts gleaned from these 500 plus pages of internal documents. Due to the volume of information found in the internal documents, EHT is breaking it down into several posts. See below for topic areas.   






CDC Precautionary Advice on Cell Phones June-August 2014

CDC Precautionary Advice on Cell Phones June-August 2014

Please see the precautionary text the CDC posted about cell phones and health in June 2014. Precautionary statements and statements about children were removed in August 2014. [su_button url="" target="blank"...

CDC Withheld Information On IARC Carcinogenic Classification in 2011

CDC Withheld Information On IARC Carcinogenic Classification in 2011

In June 2011, The CDC Drafted Information On the May 2011 WHO/IARC Group 2B Carcinogenic Classification of Wireless Radiofrequency Radiation and Then Deleted the Information From EHT’s Ongoing Analysis Of Internal Documents EHT has found that in 2011, the CDC rushed...