At this dark time of year, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa kinara candles and Christmas decorations bring light into our lives. Environmental Health Trust hopes that all of our supporters find joy, happiness and health as we end the year in celebrations with our families and friends. EHT has grown dramatically in its reach, building alliances with expert medical and technical researchers and citizen advocates working from Jackson, Wyoming, Edgewater Maryland to Berkeley California, to the U.S. Embassy of Colombia in Bogota in early June. We also want to thank Doug and Patti Wood from Grassroots environmental education for their help with The Baby Safe Project in June 2014.
We began the Fall with a warm and successful public effort at Old Bill’s part of the Jackson Hole Community Foundation in September, 2014, in Jackson, Wyoming, where we raised nearly $50,000 to support our research and public educational efforts.
We were warmly received by the Colombian National Academy of Medicine, the National Museum of Science of Maloka, each of which committed to expanding their efforts to promote safer technology.
In Cape Town, South Africa in mid-June, the Cancer Association of South Africa sponsored a day-long seminar with the heads of its major research units that reviewed new evidence on the need to promote safer practices. Recently that group issued a strong statement on the importance of protecting the young brain and body from microwave radiating devices.
During a whirlwind trip to India, organized by Prakash Munshi of the Concerned Citizens of Mumbai, EHT met with a host of governmental, health professional, medical, business and consumer groups throughout India in the month of October. These included the Chamber of Commerce and Young Presidents Organizations of Mumbai and Delhi, India, and Rotary Clubs in Jaipur, Mumbai and Delhi.
The Indian edition of Disconnect features a new preface by renowned Bollywood actor and philanthropist Juhi Mehta. Madame Mehta ushered in a broad public reception and curiosity about the need to reduce radiation exposures in homes and schools.
Dr Davis with cover of Indian edition of Disconnect, published by JAICO, 2014
The newly elected Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi shares in these concerns, as do government officials in Jaipur, Mumbai and Delhi all of which have committed to securing better protections. National medical associations of pediatrics, obstetrics, otolaryngology, neurology and family medicine in India are now distributing EHT materials to clinics and students.
We ended the year saying goodbye to Jimmy Gonzalez, a brave courageous attorney and former Marine, who lost his struggle with brain cancer caused by his heavy cell phone use. We are also saluting Brett Bocook, who is determined to take his battle against brain cancer from his million minutes of cell phone use to as broad a public audience as possible.
Dr. Davis with Brett Bocook before his neurosurgery December, 2014
Brett Bocook at University of California San Francisco after surgery to remove his malignant brain tumor that arose from his cellphone use
Brett Bocook when training for National rowing championship, 1989
Buoyed by the phenomenal response to these efforts, EHT is asking you to give us advice.
Please take a moment and send an email reply to and answer this question:
Should we produce an updated version of Disconnect that documents the latest science on the issues and the important policy developments that are underway in the U.S. and around the world?
We genuinely seek your counsel. Help us decide whether to move ahead with a new edition that would include information on all the efforts underway around the world. The fast-moving digital media world has no memory and no patience for longer form writing. Still, the book provides a solid central place where people can find simple explanations of the science underlying wireless transmitting devices.
Finally we want to share news of our good fortune: EHT has received its first contribution of appreciated stocks and bonds through an account managed by Richard Harris, Senior Vice President with Deutsche Bank. All such donations avoid paying capital gains taxes, as EHT is a registered IRS Charity. For those of you interested in helping us in this manner, Mr. Harris can be reached at
Best regards,
Devra L. Davis
Founder, Environmental Health Trust