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 Environmental Health Trust Launches New Health Campaign: “Do It With Wires”

Turn From Your Phone To Turn To Your Love is Core Message


A new Harris Interactive poll confirms that Americans would rather skip sex than their smart phones, televisions or Internet connections.  The Harris study found that people who work in the tech field have a special name for their fondness for gadgets, dubbing it “Tech affection.”  A growing number of tech decision makers are willing to sacrifice real human relationships for their digital devices

When you “Gotta have it,” try Wires  

Professional tech users are more likely to be dependent on technology than the general population and say they could not live without Internet access, their mobile phones or tablets.  Both tech pros and the rest of us rank access to the internet, computer or phone above SEX when it comes to things they just “cannot live without”.

“Digital devices are becoming indispensable not just for emergencies.  Many people cannot function without their technology fix,” says Dr. Devra Davis, Founder of the Environmental Health Trust, a non-profit group promoting safer phone use.

According to Dr. Davis, the large number of people exposed to long periods of radiofrequency radiation directly emitted by their smartphones or other wireless devices is cause for concern about both our social lives and our long term health. Davis advises users as well as parents/guardians and educators to embrace “Practice Safe Tech.” This means using wired computers rather than wireless, downloading information into devices before giving them to children, and keeping them on airplane mode excepting when you need to connect to the internet.

“Practice Safe Tech” is key to reducing exposures to personal wireless radiation.  Another important way to reduce wireless exposure is to remember that “Distance is your friend,”—and realize that a few inches separation between the body and any wireless device can lower exposure several hundred times. Also it’s important to avoid using devices whenever the network signal is weak—then a phone releases more radiation as it works harder to find a signal and also drains the battery more quickly.

The group has launched a public education campaign to help high tech users reduce daily personal exposure to wireless device emissions, preferring wired internet, phone and computer connections whenever possible.  “Get in the habit of putting your phone on airplane mode, not just when you are flying, but whenever you want to have uninterrupted time in your life.  Airplane mode means that microwave radiation is not being sent and received more than once a second, which is how smart phones work when they are online.”

The campaign includes safety cards, posters and an updated physician pamphlet.

The advice includes:

 Use and carry wireless gear away from your head and body.

Wireless connections (in use or on standby) are radiation that the World Health Organization says is a possible cause of human cancer.

Say no to tech while moving [driving, walking, biking, blading, skiing, etc.].

Just a second’s distraction can be the difference between life and death. #PracticeSafeTech

For voice/data/entertainment prefer corded landlines and wireline connections.

Also cordless phones, WiFi routers, and wireless game and entertainment base stations all emit radiation. Choose, provide and request wireline options so everyone can #PracticeSafeTech.

Before bedtime power off all wireless devices and networks.

Most of them constantly emit radiation, including when no one is using. #PracticeSafeTech

Beware of weak network signals.

Gear works harder and emits more radiation when the signal is weak.  #PracticeSafeTech

Power off more often. Wireless-enabled device send and receive microwave radiation unless they are on airplane mode or turned off.  Unplug components and unused wireless gear/accessories/appliances, baby monitors, cordless phones, etc. #PracticeSafeTech

 To download materials, please follow the link to EHT’s download page: