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Observations of an Informed and Very Concerned Mom

Fact Sheet on Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields
Cell Phones, WIFI, Cell Towers and yes, your home Cordless Phone
Caution: Life Altering Information: Read this at your own Risk.

The American Academy of Pediatrics has warned against “the potential dangers of RF energy exposure” on children and pregnant women. They stated in 2012, “Children are disproportionately affected by environmental exposures, including cell phone radiation. The differences in bone density and the amount of fluid in a child’s brain compared to an adult’s brain could allow children to absorb greater quantities of RF energy deeper into their brains than adults. ..The current exposure limits may not reflect the latest research on RF energy”. The Academy has endorsed the Cell Phone right to know act – ; . This summer the American Academy of Pediatrics called on the FCC to revisit radiofrequency radiation exposure standards as they were set in 1996 !

The the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer classified radio frequency fields as a Class 2B Carcinogen in 2011. Why? Because use of mobile phones and cordless phones is associated with increased risk for brain tumors- glioma and acoustic neuroma. The (industry and government-funded) Interphone Studies and the independently-funded Swedish studies have consistently shown that high use of cellphones and cordless phones (Swedish studies) for 10 or more years more than doubles the risk of brain cancer and acoustic neuroma (a tumor on the acoustic nerve) on the side of the had where the phone is held. Recent 2013 International studies continue to show this association

Neurosurgeons like Dr. Gupta take precautions because of this very research. “Precautions” meaning he does not hold his phone up to his head because of the possible effects from the radiation. Here is a transcript of Dr. Gupta on the Oz show discussing his concerns Indeed, so does the infamous cardiologist Dr. Sinatra who has noticed tachycardia & pulsed radiofrequency connection in younger and younger children and ties it to inflammation from Wi-Fi technology

A 2012 Report by the BioInitiative Working Group, an independent international group of doctors, scientists and environmentalists says that evidence for risks to health has substantially increased from electromagnetic fields and wireless technologies. The Report reviews over 1800 new scientific studies. Cell phone users, parents-to-be, young children and pregnant women are at particular risk. This study covers EMF from powerlines, electrical wiring, appliances and hand-held devices; and from wireless technologies (cell and cordless phones, cell towers, ‘smart meters’, WI-FI, wireless laptops, wireless routers, baby monitors, and other electronic devices). Health topics include damage to DNA and genes, effects on memory, learning, behavior, attention, sleep disruption, cancer and neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s disease. They advocate for new safety standards for protection against EMF and wireless exposures that now appear everywhere in daily life.

Research has found Radio Frequency Radiation effects: sperm and reproduction, the fetus and embryonic development, the nervous system and the blood brain barrier, brain tumor incidence, our genes, our neurons, and our stress proteins. Curiously some researchers have run statistics and found industry-funded studies are 30 percent likely to find an effect, as opposed to 70 percent of the independent studies. Occupational epidemiological studies indicate increased cardiovascular problems and reduced fertility. ; and . If you are interested in reading through abstracts, the EMF Portal maintains a database of all peer reviewed research related to EMFs. ; For example, here is one of many showing 2.45 GHz electromagnetic fields elicits an HSP-related stress response in a rat hippocampus. ; I could share hundreds of these but will hold back. Suffice it to say.. the mice and rat brains are hurting.

The Environmental Working Group has lobbied to raise awareness on the possible risks from RF exposure and advocates for precautionary measures. A link to to their comments on the AAP endorsement news. EWG guide to Safe Cell Phone use here

Radio Frequency Radiation has been implicated in sperm damage in multiple studies as noted by EWG and the Environmental Health Trust. In a report from the 2012 Proceeding of the World Meeting on Sexual Medicine, men with Erectile Dysfunction are 2.6 times more likely to keep their cell phones in their front pants pocket

Multiple Case Studies detail cancer occurring directly on the body location where cell phones are kept. Several reports are detailing young women diagnosed with breast cancer where they kept their cell phone tucked in their bra. Lawyer Jimmy Gonzalez was diagnosed with cancer in three places: his left ear, his left hand and on his torso directly under the pocket where he kept his cell phone in his suit jacket.

Europe is advocating for precautions around radio frequency radiation. In May 2011, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe adopted the report “The potential dangers of electromagnetic fields and their effect on the environment” (PACE 2011). The report calls for a number of measures to protect humans and the environment, especially from high-frequency electromagnetic fields.One of the recommendations is to “take all reasonable measures to reduce exposure to electromagnetic fields, especially to radio frequencies from mobile phones, and particularly the exposure to children and young people who seem to be most at risk from head tumors”. The January 23, 2013 EU report “Late Lessons from Early Warnings” investigates specific cases where danger signals have gone unheeded, in some cases leading to deaths, illness and environmental destruction.The report addresses the ” failings from the media in providing the public with robust and consistent information on potential health risks of radio frequency radiation”.
France has officially banned WIFI from public schools and other countries are proposing it. In 2011, The Israeli Ministry of Education published guidelines strictly limiting the use of mobile phones on all school grounds, citing children’s and youths’ increased risk of malignant tumors and the “passive exposure” experienced by children who do not use phones. In 2012: The Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection officially recommended that WiFi not be used in schools. Another list of governmental and organizations that warn of WIFI dangers

Cell Phone radiation measurably changes the brain. February, 2011 – Scientists at the National Institutes of Health in the U.S. discovered that microwaves at well below the “thermal level” impact the brains glucose metabolism. The authors state, “In summary, this study provides evidence that in humans RF-EMF exposure from cell phone use affects brain function, as shown by the regional increases in metabolic activity. It also documents that the observed effects were greatest in brain regions that had the highest amplitude of RF-EMF emissions (for the specific cell phones used in this study and their position relative to the head when in use), which suggests that the metabolic increases are secondary to the absorption of RF-EMF energy emitted by the cell phone.”

RF effects our Environment and Wildlife! The Birds and Bees! For example, a recent Scientific literature review screened for articles on ecological effects of RF-EMF and found RF-EMF had a significant effect on birds, insects, other vertebrates, other organisms and plants in 70% of the studies. Development and reproduction of birds and insects are the most strongly affected endpoints. Should you choose to read the literature on plants and animals and insects you will be shocked at the accumulating evidence. For example –bees or ” Studies conducted at the Universite Libre de Bruxelles show clearly that GSM waves affect the memory and response to pheromones in ant colonies, and that they worsen the motility of cell membranes of protozoa” ; Here is a 2009 Briefing Paper on the Cumulative Impacts of Communication Towers on Migratory Birds and Other Wildlife in the United States Division of Migratory Bird Management (DMBM), U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service ; Here is an article (one of many) from India about scientists studying plants exposed to RF that “noticed that morphological changes like decrease in growth rate in terms of height, number of branches and leaves is seen…Their leaf size gets decreased, leaves become more brittle and they fell off early.

The Italian Supreme Court ruled that cordless phones caused a man’s brain tumor in 2012 due to the current research now availible. . Lawsuits are increasing in the US, for example-

Dr Devra Davis is a cancer researcher and epidemiologist heading up the Environmental Health Trust raising awareness about current research on cell phone radiation. Here is a link to her website and a video where she describes the current research . ; Here is a link to a recent Washington Post article about her advocacy

Cell Phone Radiation is Radio Frequency Non Ionizing Radiation. This is also emitted by your WIFI, your cordless mouse, your IPAD, your labtop, your DECT cordless phone, your “Smart”meter and yes, the cell towers and and antennae mounted on the sides of high rise buildings. This is one of the reasons people are against Smartmeters. You may be interested to know two Illinois mothers were recently arrested trying to stop Smartmeters from being placed on their homes.,0,4358137.story ; If you are wondering where your nearest cell tower or antennae is you can search via your address here

Calls to Ban WIFI in the United States and Internationally are happening now. For example, here is a link to a letter by Dr. Herbert, a pediatric neurologist and neuroscientist on the faculty of Harvard Medical School advocating against WIFI to the LA School District this month. Here is Cindy Sage’s letter ; A group in Australia has put together an informative page against WIFI worth checking out.

At this time, there are no biologically-based safety limits for exposure to radiation from wireless devices. At this time, the FCC safety limits with which wireless devices comply merely ensure that your wireless device will not heat your tissue (cook you as after all we are talking about microwaves) more than 1 degree celcius in less than six minutes, but only if you’re a 6ft 185lb male. These limits do not even consider biological “non thermal” effects which are types of effects discussed here. The FCC regulations are outdated.

The National Institute of Health National Toxicology Program is conducting one of the largest mice studies on Radio frequency microwave EMF in the country. (Other than this the USA does not seem to invested in investing in research) Here is the link. The results of this study may not be published until 2015. Do you want to wait to take precautions? It is important to note that Dr Linda Birnbaum, the Head of NIH gave a glowing introduction to Dr. Darvis last year in her talk to NIH concerning research on cell phones. The link to that video is at the end of this paper. Other than this study, the United States has supported minimal research despite the Telecom companies continuing to introduce new technologies such as the 3G and 4 G networks- completely untested for safety.

Well educated Doctors, Scientists and Environmentalists are speaking out about this issue internationally. Harvard educated physician Dr. David Carpenter, Director of the Institute for Health and the Environment at U Albany’s School of Public Health has for years warned of the dangers of Radio Frequency Radiation. A former Microsoft President started this site after his wife became ill and it gives a wealth of information. . Former Director-General of the World Health Organization, Former Prime Minister of Norway, and Member of the United Nations Foundation Board of Directors, Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland has publicly stated that she is electrosensitive or EHS from microwaves.
The International Doctors Appeal 2012 has gathered and continues to gather signatures demanding urgent action by governments to take precautions. Dr. Magda Havas, PhD is Assoc. Professor of Environmental & Resource Studies at Trent University in Canada and an internationally recognized expert in the biological effects of environmental contaminants and maintains an informative webpage

The FCC regulations on microwave radiation are from 1996! If you think your government would -of course- make sure a product’s emissions were safe before exposing the public to it… think again.

The Telecommunications Act of 1996 is a law which stripped all States and local governments of their power to consider the potential adverse health impacts of RF radiation from Cell Towers and Cell Antennas when a wireless company files any type of zoning application seeking to install them. This means that local governments can’t even discuss, much less consider, adverse health impacts, so as long as the Cell Towers/Cell Antennas are compliant with FCC regulations. The Wireless Industry spent $400 million on political contributions and lobbying and the FCC adopted “standards” which permit the American public to be exposed to RF radiation levels 10 to 5,000 times higher than what has been deemed safe in other Countries. (Read more here- ; Regulations made in 1996 that do not take into consideration the biological effects of RF.

As you read more …. you may see the word “inconclusive”. Do not stop there. Go ahead and read the research… Do we wait … like the US did for cigarettes, global warming or asbestos… ?

Educate yourself. Read the research and decide for yourself.