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Learn how to reduce exposure to wireless radiation from technology in your home. Below we have links to our resources on cell phones, tablets, laptops, smartmeters, virtual reality, baby monitors and cordless phones.

Peer-reviewed published research has demonstrated a myriad of adverse effects from wireless radiofrequency radiation including increased brain cancer, DNA damage, oxidative stress, immune dysfunction,  altered brain development, damaged reproduction, sleep changes, hyperactivity, and memory damage. 

Physician groups such as the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Vienna Medical Association, and the Athens Medical Association are among the many international medical organizations that have issued recommendations to the public to reduce exposure to cell phone and wireless radiation. Countries such as France, Cyprus, and Israel have banned wireless in young children’s classrooms as their public health authorities recommend reducing children’s exposure to RF.

In several letters sent to school districts, physicians strongly recommended wired connections for technology in classrooms to eliminate unnecessary wireless radiation exposures.


Health Effects of Wireless Baby Monitors

Health Effects of Wireless Baby Monitors

Baby Monitors   Some facts about wireless baby monitors.   Wireless baby monitors emit microwave radiation constantly while powered on (both the base where the child is, and the component where the parent or caregiver is). Most baby monitor bases have fine...

Wireless Video Games and Children’s Health

Wireless Video Games and Children’s Health

Video Games   Wireless Video Games Create Wireless Exposures   Almost all  wireless gaming consoles (such as XBox, Nintendo, Playstation and Wii) emit wireless radiation. The wireless handheld controllers also emit wireless. Radiation emissions intensify...

Airpods and Bluetooth Health and Safety FAQs

Airpods and Bluetooth Health and Safety FAQs

Airpods and Bluetooth Earbuds: What You Need to Know  AirPods and Bluetooth headsets constantly emit radiofrequency (RF) radiation, AKA microwaves while they are in your ears, whether you are using them or not.  The RF is absorbed into your skull, brain and ear...

Health Risks of Airport Security Full-body X-ray Screening Systems

Health Risks of Airport Security Full-body X-ray Screening Systems

Airport Security Full-Body X-ray & Millimeter Wave Screening Systems Health Risks and Doctors Letters on Radiation Risks The two types of scanners used in airports are full body millimeter radiation scanners  and backscatter X ray scanners.When full-body X-ray...