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Environmental Health Trust

World Health Organization (WHO) agrees with our very own MUCKRAKER

Time, CNN and Fox News have all picked up on the WHO's recent announcement that cell phones may be linked to cancer. Although the language is a bit soft, the beginnings of change are starting and the evidence is mounting. Take some precautions when it comes to your...

EHT Kicks Off Global Campaign for Safer Cell Phones!

Environmental Health Trust (EHT), a nonprofit organization dedicated to identifying and controlling environmental health hazards, launched its Global Campaign for Safer Cell Phones in a dozen nations this month. The campaign’s goal is to promote the public right to...

Dr. Devra Davis Responds to Latest Study by Leaders of WHO

Environmental Health Trust responds to the largest study to date on cell phone risks, published in the journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine on January 27. Dr. Devra Davis summarizes that the authors are warning people to be careful about how they use cell...