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Statement by Dr. John Bucher, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences National Toxicology Program (NTP) on the Peer Review of the Cell Phone Radiation Radiofrequency Studies

This statement by Dr. Bucher was sent to Environmental Health Trust by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Office of Communications and Public Liaison Monday April 2, 2018

“It was gratifying that the members of the expert panel unanimously praised the National Toxicology Program (NTP) Cell Phone Radiofrequency Radiation (RFR) Studies as very well done, and vitally important research. They acknowledged the difficulty of conducting the study and the challenges of analyzing the data.  Scientific peer-review by external experts is an essential part of the NTP’s scientific process, and I thank the panel members for their expertise and service. They conducted a thorough review, engaged in spirited debate, and grappled with the same uncertainties experienced by the NTP staff.

In the end, the panel agreed with the NTP conclusions for the cell phone RFR studies conducted in mice. For the rat studies, the panel recommended that some of the NTP conclusions be changed to indicate a stronger level of evidence that cell phone RFR caused certain tumors.

Working from the NTP’s scale of Clear Evidence, Some Evidence, Equivocal Evidence and No Evidence, the panel made the following recommendations:

For male rats, GSM-modulated cell phone RFR

  • Malignant schwannoma in the heart – reclassified from some evidence to clear evidence of carcinogenic activity
  • Malignant glioma of the brain – reclassified from equivocal evidence to some evidence of carcinogenic activity
  • Pheochromocytoma (benign, malignant, complex), a tumor in the adrenal gland – reclassified from equivocal evidence to some evidence of carcinogenic activity

For female rats, GSM-modulated cell phone RFR

  • Malignant schwannoma of the heart – reclassified from no evidence to equivocal evidence of carcinogenic activity

For male rats, CDMA-modulated cell phone RFR

  • Malignant schwannoma in the heart – reclassified from some evidence to clear evidence of carcinogenic activity
  • Malignant glioma of the brain – reclassified from equivocal evidence to some evidence of carcinogenic activity

For female rats, CDMA-modulated cell phone RFR

  • Malignant schwannoma in the heart – reclassified from no evidence to equivocal evidence of carcinogenic activity

The recommendations of the external expert panel will now be taken under consideration by NTP staff and reviewed for a final decision from the NTP Director. The final report will be published in fall 2018.”

-Statement by Dr. John Bucher, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences National Toxicology Program (NTP) on the Peer Review of the Cell Phone Radiofrequency Radiation Studies

The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Toxicology Program released a statement about the conclusions of the panel for each endpoint, found here . This is the most important document to read from the meeting in terms of conclusions.

Read an NIEHS April 2018 article on the peer review meeting here “NTP cell phone studies — experts recommend elevated conclusions” National Institutes of Environmental Health Sciences

Read more about the NTP NIEHS peer review at


New Studies Link Cell Phone Radiation with Cancer, Scientific American March 29, 2018

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Can your cellphone cause cancer? Scientists find definitive link in study of rats” The News and Observer March 28, 2018

“Researchers find the cellphone-cancer risk is higher than originally thought” The Blaze March 30, 2018

The Nation: How Big Wireless Made Us Think That Cell Phones Are Safe: A Special Investigation: The disinformation campaign—and massive radiation increase—behind the 5G rollout. By Mark Hertsgaard and Mark Dowie, The Nation, March 29, 2018

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Learn more about the National Toxicology Program Studies on Cell Phone Radiation