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Prakash Munshi has worked tirelessly on behalf of the people of India to protect their health from cell tower radiation. Citizens for Tomorrow is an initiative of Juhi Chawla Mehta and they are raising awareness on this issue nationwide. Juhi Chawla  has won multiple awards for her social awareness work – including the Indira Gandhi Memorial award for Social Awareness in regards to cell tower and cell phone radiation. (Global Awards 2016, Indira Gandhi Memorial Awards, Full Speech at Gandhi Awards, 2011 Lecture, Do’s and don’ts for using cellphone safely by Juhi Chawla.) 

Excerpts from Prakash Munshi’s Speech

“In the same way, we request of you, don’t play with our lives with 24/7 radiation coming from satellites, antennae, or lampposts and smart meters. Please allow us to live a healthy life which we want to live. It is our fundamental right in our democracy granted by the constitutions. Health is my fundamental right, and I shall have it.”
“No proof of harm is no proof of no harm. No one wants to know how much milk is there in the bottle in the refrigerator. We don’t driverless cars. We don’t want technology at our cost of our health and someone else’s wealth.”
“Why is the government and industry pushing this untested technology on us when global scientific studies have proven harms to the environment and more so to humans.”
“A time will come when there will be no citizens left then (to) whom will you sell the 5G technology?”
“The industry should not exploit the ignorant the unaware and many times helpless cititane and fool them with false information … with lies and money-power wooing them with high rent to install mobile towers or cells in their houses or on their terraces?”
“Governments, please look after the interests of your citizens for which the citizens have elected you to the parliaments and assemblies.”