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Results for "videos"

Germany: Doctors Demand Digital Media Protections for Children

German "Doctors' Working Group on Digital Media" Campaigns in front of the Ministry of Social Affairs A delegation from the 'Doctors' Working Group on Digital Media' pulled a large banner and signs in front of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Social Affairs (Germany)...

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Protesters Against 5G Block Wireless Store in Protest

Extinction Rebellion blocks a Proximus store against the deployment of 5G Be sure to stay in touch with the news that matters from Environmental Health Trust by subscribing to our newsletter. It’s free. A dozen activists of the environmental movement Extinction...

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Take Action to Stop California 5G Streamline Bills 2021

Take Action on Tons of California Telecom Telecom 5G Streamline Bills   The California State Legislature has introduced several bills which help to strip away  local control over the deployment of wireless telecommunications facilities, including 5G antennas, in...

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Fire on Rooftop With Cell Antennas in Brooklyn New York

  2021 Cell Antenna Fire A fire broke out on the roof of a Brooklyn New York apartment building reported to be possibly caused by an electrical malfunction of a cell tower on the roof of the building. "According to some reports, the fire was caused by an electrical...

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