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Results for "adhd"

Children and Wireless FAQ’s

Answers to Commonly Asked Questions Children and Wireless RadiationA: Wireless technology is not safe. Wi-Fi and all radiofrequency radiation has been on the World Health Organization’s Class 2B List of Possible Human Carcinogens for more than three years (since May...

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The California Medical Association Wireless Resolution

California Medical Association House of Delegates Resolution Wireless Standards Reevaluation 2014 PASSED CMA 2014 HOD Resolutions Adopted Resolution 107- 14 Date Adopted Dec 7, 2014 Resolved 1 That CMA supports efforts to reevaluate microwave safety exposure levels...

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California Releases Cell Phone Warnings

Cell Phone Radiation  The Scientific Evidence   An ever growing body of evidence shows that cell phone and wireless radiation - at even very low levels-  can harm our health in a number of different ways.  There is no doubt that there are harmful biological...

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Meet the Team

Meet the TeamDevra Lee Davis, PhD MPHFounder and President of Environmental Health Trust Dr. Davis was Founding Director, Center for Environmental Oncology and the  University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute and founding director of the Board on Environmental Studies...

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