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Results for "adhd"

2017 Expert Forum: Wireless Radiation and Human Health

Expert Forum: Wireless Radiation and Human Health Hebrew University Medical School, January 23-26 2017 Sponsored by The Israel Institute for Advanced Study and the Environmental Health Trust With Support from National Institutes of Health/ National Institutes of...

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Outdated FCC “Safety” Standards

When these guidelines were developed, a cell phone was the size of a brick and there was no Wi-Fi at the coffee shop. Times have changed. The laws have not. Fact: There Are No Safety Standards Currently there are no national or international “standards” for safe...

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Scientific Research on Wireless Radiation Health Effects

Peer-Reviewed Scientific Research on Wireless Radiation Health Effects Published Research Links Cell Phone and Wireless To Health Effects   Cell phones and wireless expose people to a type of microwave radiation also known as radiofrequency radiation or RF-EMF....

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