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Results for "brain tumor"

Cell Phones and Brain Cancer: The Real Story

The long awaited World Health Organization Interphone study of more than 5,000 brain tumors that occurred between 2000-2004 and cell phone use failed to deliver a knock-out punch. This thirteen country report found what every study that has ever examined people who...

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Brain Cancer and Cell Phones: The Jury is Still Out

According to headlines trumpeted around the world, cell phones are safe.  This reassuring conclusion rests on an analysis of trends in brain cancer in Scandinavian countries up to 2003 which did NOT tie these trends in any way to actual patterns of use of cell phones.

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The Cohort Study on Mobile Phones and Health (COSMOS)

The Cohort Study on Mobile Phones and Health (COSMOS)   Reposted from Electromagnetic Radiation Safety here July 1, 2024 The authors of COSMOS mobile phone-brain tumor study (Feychting et al., 2024a) failed to address numerous issues in their response (Feychting et...

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Board of Directors

About Environmental Health TrustBOARD MEMBERSHugh Taylor MD Chairman of the Board Chair of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, Yale School of Medicine   [su_expand more_text="Read more" less_text="Read less" height="0" link_color="#64afdd"...

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Board of Directors

About Environmental Health TrustBOARD MEMBERSHugh Taylor MD Chairman of the Board Chair of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, Yale School of Medicine   [su_expand more_text="Read more" less_text="Read less" height="0" link_color="#64afdd"...

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Yale 2024 Symposium

Delve into the latest research on the health effects of electromagnetic frequencies at the Yale Symposium. Join us June 4-6, 2024.

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