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Results for "20 quick facts"

Scientific Evidence that 5G and 4G Densification Is Not Safe

Many people ask "Where is the scientific evidence? How do you know that 5G and the deployment of small cells (which usually is 4G) is not safe? Why do you say it is harmful?"  The answer is that an ever growing and large body published research has found adverse...

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Easton Connecticut USA Bans 5G

Easton Connecticut Passes Resolution Calling for a Halt to 5G  Breaking News May 20, 2020 Easton Connecticut has voted to ban 5G.  A 5G cease and desist resolution was unanimously approved by Easton Connecticut on May 7 2020. This action follows extensive...

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Safe Technology

Welcome Safe technology at home is simple once you know the steps. Please download and share these resources on how to reduce cell phone and wireless radiation and how to set up a healthy computer workstation. EHT has created factsheets for you in color and in black...

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Worldwide Action on Wi-Fi in School

Worldwide Action on Wi-Fi and Electromagnetic Radiation in School   Worldwide schools and governments are taking action to reduce levels of wireless and electromagnetic radiation in schools. Wireless exposures in schools come from cell phones, Wi-Fi, 5G virtual...

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Environmental Health Trust

Protect yourself & your family with science you can trust and policy that puts you first...  Learn more about us. POLICYMAKERS For protective laws being implemented across the globe... click hereSCIENTISTS  Examine peer reviwed science on 5G, cell phones and...

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