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Results for "5g"

The FCC Is Supposed to Protect the Environment. It Doesn’t.

The FCC Is Supposed to Protect the Environment. It Doesn’t. The agency is mandated to safeguard the environment from damage caused by communication infrastructure. But when companies want to add new cell phone towers, build on protected land or launch satellites, the...

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Questions To Ask About The Small Cell Tower Near Your Home

Questions To Ask About The Small Cell Tower Near Your Home   EHT is often contacted by people who wake up one morning to a 5G “small” cell tower in front of their home or child’s school. Sometimes it is an antenna mounted on or in front of the building they live in....

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Electromagnetic Radiation, Wildlife and Environment

Electromagnetic Radiation, Wildlife and Environment The harmful effects of wireless radiation extend beyond human health. FCC’s limits were only designed for humans, not animals. Despite numerous studies showing harmful effects from wireless and non-ionizing...

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Postcards to distribute urging people to protect the ones they love.
Postcard urging not to put phones in your bra.
Safety postcard