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Results for "property values"

Resources to Take Action on 5G Streamlining Bills

  Resources to Take Action on 5G and 4G Small Cells  5G “small” cells are being fast tracked at every level of government.  The authority of local government is being rapidly stripped away by federal and state policy.   Hundreds of scientists and physicians who...

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5G and the Internet of Things

5G “small" cells "Small" cells is an industry word for cell towers with transmitting antennas close to the ground near our homes. The FCC has estimated over 800,000 new "small" cells will be installed throughout the USA and millions worldwide.  Radiating cell antennas...

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Printable Resources

CELL TOWERS AND 5G WILDLIFE AND ENVIRONMENTPOLICY AND REGULATIONCOLLEGE SUSTAINBILITY POSTERSPOSTERS ON REDUCING EXPOSUREProtect Yourself Cell Phone Poster 8.5x11 Protect Yourself Cell Phone Poster 24x36Protect Yourself Cell Phone Poster 8.5x11 Protect Yourself Cell...

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Media Stories Featuring Environmental Health Trust

Environmental Health Trust is a scientific non-profit focused on raising awareness of preventable health risks. Here are some news articles featuring EHT's science-based information. New Hampshire Lawmakers Consider Cell Tower Restrictions “Theodora Scarato, executive...

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