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Results for "peer reviewed"

Scientific Advisory Group

Ronald L Melnick, Ph.D. Ronald Melnick was a Senior Toxicologist and Director of Special Programs in the Environmental Toxicology Program at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), National Institutes of Health, and is now retired. Ronald...

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About Environmental Health Trust

Who We Are Environmental Health Trust (EHT) is a think tank that promotes a healthier environment through research, education, and policy. We are the only nonprofit organization in the world that carries out cutting-edge research on environmental health hazards and...

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NEWSLETTER: Do Cell Phones Cause Impotence?

A new review concludes that cellphone radiation damages sperm. Not only is total sperm count lowered with greater exposure to cellphones and laptops. In addition, wireless radiation from these devices can impair the shape, size and speed of sperm—all of which affect...

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Cell Phones: Myth or Fact?

MYTH: The World Health Organization (WHO) statement does not mean cell phones cause cancer, because it is based on limited evidence. FACT: Thirty-one highly acclaimed members of the International Agency of Research on Cancer (IARC), a WHO committee, voted in a nearly...

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Postcards to distribute urging people to protect the ones they love.
Postcard urging not to put phones in your bra.
Safety postcard