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Results for "adhd"

Questions About Health Effects of Cell Phone Radiation

Questions about Cell Phone Radiation Environmental Health Trust is asked a lot of questions about cell phones. Here are our top questions answered.  Q: Is cell phone radiation dangerous? A: An ever growing body of evidence shows that cell phone and wireless radiation...

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Cell Phone Radiation Health Effects Questions

Q: Is cell phone radiation dangerous? A: An ever growing body of evidence shows that cell phone and wireless radiation - at even very low levels-  could harm our health in a number of different ways. In 2011 the World Health Organization (WHO) classified cell phone...

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Peer Reviewed Research Studies on Wi-Fi Radiation

Peer Reviewed Published Research Studies on Wi-Fi and 2.4 GHz Wireless Frequency   Many people ask “What research has been done on Wi-Fi frequencies? Do we know that they are as harmful as cell phone radiation frequencies?” There are several research studies done...

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