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Results for "schools"

Parent Action on Wi-Fi in School

You are ready to ensure your child’s school has healthy technology.  Here is a step by step. Yes, you can spark positive change!  Many schools in the USA and worldwide are replacing wireless with safe wired technology connections. We recommend starting at your child’s...

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Take Action on 5G and Wireless

Time to spark positive change   Yes. We can fix this. We need your help and many hands working together. We recommend raising awareness at every level of government. However starting in your community, at the local level, will make the biggest impact. You may be...

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Films on Cell Phone Radiation, Cell Towers and Wireless

Environmental Health Trust Film Picks on Cell Phone Radiation, Wireless, Electromagnetic Fields, MCS and EHS hypersensitivitie. Over the decades many films have been made on the health effects of cell phones, cell towers and wireless. The investigative film Generation...

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