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Results for "schools"

School Staff Action Steps on Cell Phones and Wi-Fi

Worldwide teachers and school staff are taking action to ensure their workplace is safe and the students they love are healthy. The issue of cell phones and Wi-Fi in school is an occupational health issue. Teachers who are pregnant or who have pre-existing medical...

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Educational Materials for Classrooms

Students at every age level can learn about cell phone radiation and how they can reduce exposures. Here are educational resources and vetted science-based health curriculum you can use to educate your students today.    Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition...

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PTAs on Cell Phones, Wi-Fi and Cell Towers

Parent-Teacher Organizations Action on Wi-Fi, Cell Phones and Cell Towers at School Parent-teacher organizations have taken a variety of actions to address the health effects posed by cell towers near schools and wireless exposures in schools (from both cell phones...

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