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Results for "legal"

Recent Scientific Publications by the EHT Scientific Team

Recent scientific publications by EHT experts and advisors   EHT scientists and scientific advisors regularly  publish research in peer reviewed journals. On this page is a short list of our published works. Ben Ishai Paul, Baldwin Hillel Z, Birnbaum Linda S,...

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Electromagnetic Sensitivity

Electromagnetic Sensitivity also known as "microwave sickness"   We are all electrical.   The human body normally functions by using natural electromagnetic energy.  Humans are electromagnetic beings. Thus, we are all affected by electromagnetic fields in...

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The Cell Phone Right to Know ToolKit

In a historic win for consumers, the City of Berkeley, California unanimously passed a Cell Phone Right to Know Ordinance in 2015. EHT has created this page so that you can make a difference in your community by advocating for a Cell Phone Right to Know ordinance in...

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Scientific Research on Wireless Radiation Health Effects

Peer-Reviewed Scientific Research on Wireless Radiation Health Effects Published Research Links Cell Phone and Wireless To Health Effects   Cell phones and wireless expose people to a type of microwave radiation also known as radiofrequency radiation or RF-EMF....

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The Berkeley Cell Phone “Right to Know” Ordinance

Berkeley California's Cell Phone “Right to Know” Ordinance This Ordinance was proposed in 2010, unanimously passed in 2015 and immediately slapped with a lawsuit by the Wireless Industry (The CTIA). Berkeley was the first city in the nation to implement an ordinance...

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Resources for Policy Makers

Welcome Elected Officials, Administrators and Policy Makers Decision makers who give the issue of wireless its due diligence need access to the best available science and current policy developments. Below you will find Q & A plus documents and resources you need...

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Read the Research

Research on Wireless Radiation and Health Selected Examples of Research for Health Effects Cancer, Reproductive, Heart , Headaches, Neurological, Behavioral, Sleep, and Immune System Please click on the links to go to the online abstract. Cancer: (2011). Non-ionizing...

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