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Results for "cellphones"

California Releases Cell Phone Warnings

Cell Phone Radiation  The Scientific Evidence   An ever growing body of evidence shows that cell phone and wireless radiation - at even very low levels-  can harm our health in a number of different ways.  There is no doubt that there are harmful biological...

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What Nation Has 100 Internet Addiction Camps?

         July 2013  Healthy Headlines Read  Dr. Devra Davis's latest  Huff Post Op-Ed Treating digital zombies Internet addiction camps are startling new reality  Illustration: University of Chicago Magazine A new report from South Korean medical researchers...

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FCC Releases Long-Awaited Item On RF Exposure Standards

Posted with permission of TRDaily The FCC this afternoon released its long-awaited item opening a proceeding to explore whether it should modify its radio frequency exposure standards. The review will be the first time the FCC has considered whether to reexamine its...

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Observations of an Informed and Very Concerned Mom

Fact Sheet on Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields Cell Phones, WIFI, Cell Towers and yes, your home Cordless Phone Caution: Life Altering Information: Read this at your own Risk. The American Academy of Pediatrics has warned against "the potential dangers of RF...

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