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Results for "brain tumor"

Cell Phone Radiation Health Effects

Cell phone, cell towers, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth all use wireless frequencies to transmit data. Hundreds of studies have been published clearly documenting that this type of wireless radiation can cause harm.  European Parliament requested a research report  “Health...

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Breast Cancer and Cell Phone Radiation (Backup 2022-02-24)

Is there a link between cell phone placement and breast cancer? This is what you need to know: Cellphones are two-way microwave radios that should not be kept directly on the body. The soft fatty tissue of the breast readily absorbs cell phone radiation. Case Reports...

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The History of Mobiles Documentary

The Mobile Revolution: How Cell Phones CHANGED our Lives Forever | ENDEVR Documentary This documentary provides a fascinating reminder of life just a decade ago. Research shows adverse effects from cell phone radiation. A Yale study funded by the American Cancer...

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Cell Tower Radiation- Published Peer Reviewed Research

Cell towers and cell antennas emit a type of non-ionizing radiation called radiofrequency radiation (RFR). European Parliament requested a research report  “Health Impact of 5G” released in July 2021 concluding that commonly used RFR frequencies (450 to 6000 MHz) are...

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