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Results for "adhd"

The EPA Website Changes: EMF Safety Issues Removed

Summary of the EPA website changes   From 2006 to 2014 the EPA website text on wireless technology stated that research on long term effects was ongoing. From 2014 to 2019 the EPA Webpage was changed to downplay potential health effects from wireless. In 2019 the...

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Five Reasons To Use Safe Technology

  Five Reasons To Use Safe Technology We all want our children be healthy and strong. Yet wireless radiation is linked to serious health effects in an ever growing body of scientific research. Thankfully, our families can connect with safe technology - meaning...

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New Study: Power Lines Linked to Brain Tumors 

The journal Environmental Research has published a new study entitled “Residential proximity to power lines and risk of brain tumor in the general population” which found an increased risk of brain tumors was associated with living near power lines. Powerlines are a...

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A Low EMF Computer Workstation

How to Set Up a Safer Computer Workstation     This resource on how to set up a low-EMF computer/laptop/tablet workspace so that your workstation is as healthy as possible.  Cell phones, computers, and all the wireless screens now ubiquitous in our lives create...

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