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Results for "brain tumor"

Dr. Devra Davis Responds to Latest Study by Leaders of WHO

Environmental Health Trust responds to the largest study to date on cell phone risks, published in the journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine on January 27. Dr. Devra Davis summarizes that the authors are warning people to be careful about how they use cell...

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[Consumer Reports] How risky is cell-phone radiation?

The Food and Drug Administration says the "weight of scientific evidence has not linked cell phones with any health problems," including brain tumors from the low-level radiation that phones emit in normal use. Yet in the past year San Francisco lawmakers have enacted...

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News Archive from September 2008 to November 5, 2010

Biological effects from exposure to electromagnetic radiation emitted by cell tower base stations and other antenna arrays | Download | November 5, 2010 Epidemiological Evidence for a Health Risk from Mobile Phone Base Stations | Download PDF |September 2010 New...

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Latest in Science

Biological effects from exposure to electromagnetic radiation emitted by cell tower base stations and other antenna arrays | Download | November 5, 2010 Epidemiological Evidence for a Health Risk from Mobile Phone Base Stations | Download PDF |September 2010 New...

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Dr. Davis Press Kit

Dr. Davis's Resume Download PDF Dr. Davis' Short Academic Bio Download PDF Dr. Davis's Headshot Download full size image here.   Videos of Talks  Dr. Davis co-founded  Environmental Health Trust working on the issue of wireless radiation...

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Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | Expert Conference | Provides an overview of the science as of September 2009 | Videos Microwave News | A report on non-ionizing radiation The BioInitiative Report EMF-Portal Mays Swicord conducted doctoral research...

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To get a sense of the total, complete, and utter mess that is research on the health effects of cell phones, look no further than a study of whether the ubiquitous gadgets raise the risk of brain tumors. “Interphone,” organized by the World Health Organization’s...

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