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Results for "schools"

Lance McKee: A Dedicated Advocate For Technology Safety

"We are deeply saddened to learn of the loss of Lance McKee. His dedication and collaboration has touched many lives and we are forever thankful," Dr. Devra Davis, President of Environmental Health Trust. Portland, Oregon - Lance Douglas McKee, passed away peacefully...

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Berkeley Non Violent Protests Against Wireless Antennas 

   Berkeley  Non Violent Protests Against Wireless Antennas  A local group, Wireless Radiation and Defense (WiRED) is pushing for amendments to the cell tower and cell antenna laws to better protect the public. They have launched non violent protests against...

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Russia Bans Wi-Fi and Smartphones For Distance Learning

 2020 Health and Safety Rules for Distance Learning The Russia Ministry of Health has set new health and safety rules banning Wi-Fi and banning smartphones for distance learning. The Guide "Hygienic standards and special requirements for the device, content and modes...

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