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Results for "brain tumor"

Cell Phones and Cancer: Should We Be Concerned?

October 13, 2011- Researchers, a former patient, a local legislator and others will be at the University of Southern Maine this coming Monday afternoon, October 17, to help increase knowledge and awareness of the potential risks of cell phone use. The event, which is...

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Worldwide Cell Phone Safety Recommendations and Policies

(Downloadable version here) Worldwide Cell Phone Safety Recommendations and Policies September 2011 On May 31, 2011 the World Health Organization/International Agency for Research on Cancer classified the electromagnetic radiation from cell phones as possibly...

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Publications & Useful Articles

DISCONNECT The truth about cell phone radiation, what the industry has done to hide it, and how to protect your family. The Green American Issue 82.  The January/February 2011 issue featuring the dangers of prolonged cell phone usage and ways to protect yourself....

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Cell Phone Hazards: The End of an Era

The era when cell phones safety was taken for granted is as done as a hotdog on an unwatched backyard grill.   The science confirming that pulsed digital microwave radiation from cell phones can be harmful has become stronger and clearer.   In San Francisco where...

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