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Results for "brain tumor"

Observations of an Informed and Very Concerned Mom

Fact Sheet on Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields Cell Phones, WIFI, Cell Towers and yes, your home Cordless Phone Caution: Life Altering Information: Read this at your own Risk. The American Academy of Pediatrics has warned against "the potential dangers of RF...

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Science for Skeptics

Myth: Cellphones do not cause brain tumors. Fact:  The industry and government-funded) Interphone studies and the independently-funded Swedish studies have consistently shown that use of cellphones and cordless phones (Swedish studies) for 10 or more years more than...

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Videos for Change

Welcome to Videos for Change! See some examples of PSAs and other videos inspiring change in their areas. If you or someone you know would like to see their video here, email us! “Cell Phones: Teens in the Drivers Seat” (1' 12'') A Public Service Announcement. With...

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Archived Press Releases

Scientists Challenge No Risk Conclusion, Warning–Cellphones Can Increase Brain Cancer Risk in Children Environmental Health Trust Responds to CTIA’s Lawsuit to Prevent San Francisco’s “Right to Know” Ordinance from Taking Effect Environmental Health Trust to Unveil...

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Your Questions Answered

Ask Devra Dr. Davis is interested in your questions related to any of the cancer related topic addressed by her book or by her work with the foundation. Please feel free to begin a conversation with Dr. Davis by submitting your questions to

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Board of Directors

About Environmental Health TrustBOARD MEMBERSHugh Taylor MD Chairman of the Board Chair of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, Yale School of Medicine Dr. Taylor is the Anita O'Keeffe Young Professor and Chair, Department of Obstetrics Gynecology and...

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