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Results for "brain tumor"

Read the Research

Research on Wireless Radiation and Health Selected Examples of Research for Health Effects Cancer, Reproductive, Heart , Headaches, Neurological, Behavioral, Sleep, and Immune System Please click on the links to go to the online abstract. Cancer: (2011). Non-ionizing...

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The California Medical Association Wireless Resolution

California Medical Association House of Delegates Resolution Wireless Standards Reevaluation 2014 PASSED CMA 2014 HOD Resolutions Adopted Resolution 107- 14 Date Adopted Dec 7, 2014 Resolved 1 That CMA supports efforts to reevaluate microwave safety exposure levels...

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A Holiday Message From Dr. Devra Davis

At this dark time of year, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa kinara candles and Christmas decorations bring light into our lives. Environmental Health Trust hopes that all of our supporters find joy, happiness and health as we end the year in celebrations with our families and...

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Cell Phone and Wireless Proclamation Toolkit

Watch Jimmy Gonzalez, an attorney who developed brain cancer after heavy cell use, sucessfully petition the Pembroke Town Commission to pass a cell phone resolution in the video below. The resolution expresses the City’s “Urgent Concerns” about Wireless Radiation,...

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Commonwealth Club

Skeptical About Cell Phones and Health?  An Expert Panel on Cell Phone Radiation:  The Commonwealth Club of California in San Francisco. The Commonwealth Club held a panel on December 9, 2013  to discuss recent research on the health effects of wireless radiation,...

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