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Results for "legal"

Wi-Fi in Schools Tool Kit

Wi-Fi In Schools Resources Healthy Classrooms Our children, teachers, and staff deserve safe and healthy technology. Wi-Fi networks and cell phones create high density wireless radiofrequency exposures in classrooms. Research has found radiofrequency radiation...

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PTAs on Cell Phones, Wi-Fi and Cell Towers

Parent-Teacher Organizations Action on Wi-Fi, Cell Phones and Cell Towers at School Parent-teacher organizations have taken a variety of actions to address the health effects posed by cell towers near schools and wireless exposures in schools (from both cell phones...

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EHT Takes the FCC to Court

Victory! Environmental Health Trust wins in our case against the U/S.  Federal Communications Commission In Historic Decision, Federal Court Orders FCC to Explain Why It Ignored Scientific Evidence Showing Harm from Wireless Radiation    United States Court of...

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Take Action on 5G and Wireless

Time to spark positive change   Yes. We can fix this. We need your help and many hands working together. We recommend raising awareness at every level of government. However starting in your community, at the local level, will make the biggest impact. You may be...

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Films on Cell Phone Radiation, Cell Towers and Wireless

Environmental Health Trust Film Picks on Cell Phone Radiation, Wireless, Electromagnetic Fields, MCS and EHS hypersensitivitie. Over the decades many films have been made on the health effects of cell phones, cell towers and wireless. The investigative film Generation...

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