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Results for "videos"

2017 Expert Forum: Wireless Radiation and Human Health

Expert Forum: Wireless Radiation and Human Health Hebrew University Medical School, January 23-26 2017 Sponsored by The Israel Institute for Advanced Study and the Environmental Health Trust With Support from National Institutes of Health/ National Institutes of...

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Cell Phone/Wi-Fi Safety For Young Adults

What everyone needs to know to stay smart and connected.  Cell Phones and Wi-Fi Devices Expose You to Microwave Radiation. Cell phones and wireless devices emit radio frequency microwave...

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Science for Skeptics: Myth Versus Fact on Cell Phones and Wi-Fi

“Every man is entitled to his own opinion. But every man is not entitled to his own facts.” —U.S. Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan Common Myths About Cell Phone and Wireless Radiation “Safety” Debunked The public relations strategy of manufacturing doubt has often been...

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