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Results for "energy"

1997 FDA Letter Regarding Wireless Communication.

FDA Letter Regarding Wireless Communication. U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), May 5, 1997. Letter   regarding the status of the Food and Drug Administration's oversight and investigation of wireless communication health effects. Food and Drug Administration...

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5G: An Outraged Grandfather’s Letter to His Grandson

5G: an outraged grandfather’s letter to his grandson Re printed from La Maison originally published at Documentary filmmaker and one of the directors of Radio-Canada’s...

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Letters to Greta by Katie Singer 

Letters to Greta by Katie Singer Please find these online at Here are links to each individual letter: #1 Dreaming of a Visible Internet Footprint Dear Greta, After centuries of too many white people not seeing racism, smartphones’...

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Detox EMFs With Your Family At Home & School: Podcast

Practical Nontoxic Living podcast with Sophia Ruan Gushée  Episode 28: Detox EMFs With Your Family At Home & School Podcast From Sophia Ruan Gushée    Have you thought about the radiation from your laptops, cordless phones, WiFi routers, wireless speakers,...

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